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Hey ya'll, sorry if I scared ya with an update but I thought I'd explain a few things.

First off, I haven't deleted the story/my account or anything, I've changed my username from NewHopeTahlz to GreeceftRichardson. Partly because I wanted to change my name, partly because I didn't want it the same as my ig/twitter and partly because I didn't want any irls to find my account.

Also I thought I'd update on how I'm going with writing/when I'll take it off hold and stuff.

So I've started writing more consistently now, still a little slow but I'm writing again which is good. As to when I'll start updating again, I'm not too sure. I think I'll write a few more chapters (which my take awhile) and then start updating again. I'll likely be updating weekly when I do.

That's all I think, if you have any questions comment and I'll happily answer! I love you all, thank you for sticking with me while it's been on hold!!❤️❤️❤️

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