There You Are

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Chapter 79

A/N - Hey bitches I think I'm back! I finally finished the chapter I've been stuck on for what feels like months and I'm over 1000 words in on the chapter after that. I'm slowly starting to write again so I'm happy. Sorry I've taken so long, I hope this chapter is worth the wait xxx

There You Are - Zayn
"Need you when I'm hot, need you when I'm cold, need you when I'm young, need you when I'm old, you won't be far"

(George POV)

I woke up with my head on Reece's chest, he was breathing rapidly. I sat up and shook him lightly. He seemed perfectly fine apart from the breathing, no one would've suspected a thing. It didn't take too long for him to wake up thankfully. He jumped awake, but he didn't scream, he sat up and put his hands over his face and tried to calm his breathing. It took half the time than it usually did, then he lied back down and pulled me with him.

"Are you okay?" I asked him in a whisper.

"Yeah, it's getting easier to deal with." Reece replied.

"Good, you don't deserve any of this."

Reece kissed my cheek and rolled us over so he was spooning me. Reece wriggled every now and then, he couldn't sleep. I turned around to face him, he had an apologetic look in his eyes.

"Sorry for keeping you up."

"Don't apologise, darlin'. Anything I can do?" I asked.

Reece just shook his head.

"Are you scared?" I asked softly.

"No, I just can't sleep."

I nodded. "Rollover." I commanded.

Reece listened and rolled onto his stomach. It had been almost an hour since Reece had woken up from his nightmare. I sat on his thighs and started massaging his neck and back to relieve the built-up tension and hopefully put him to sleep. He was tense for the first few minutes but he eventually relaxed and fell asleep not too long after. I climbed off Reece and laid down on my stomach next to him, draping my arm over his back. I let myself fall asleep after fifteen minutes, knowing he was fully asleep. In the morning, we were both tired and we looked like walking zombies. At least Reece found it amusing watching me. He felt guilty at first but like always, I told him I honestly couldn't care less. We took turns in showering and getting dressed and then we ate breakfast before heading to school. Blake wasn't waiting outside his house when we got there. He was normally late, but not quite this late. I texted him and told him to hurry up. It wasn't until we had to be at school in five minutes and we still had a fifteen-minute walk that I decided to go get him and drag him out. I opened his door just as he went to. To my surprise, Hailey was there.

"Sorry, girls take forever to get ready." Blake apologised.

"It's fine, but we really need to be leaving so get your asses out here." I said as Hailey was rummaging through her bag.

"Right, sorry." Hailey said, zipping up her bag and hurrying out with the rest of us.

Our fifteen-minute walk was reduced to ten with how fast we walked. The teachers were a little mad, but mainly for letting Blake make us late. Luckily none of us ended up with detention. School went by painfully slow considering how tired Reece and I were, but I made Reece nap again during lunch. He wasn't happy about it, but he was also a little grateful that he wasn't so tired. Reece had been doing well lately, so I decided to suggest me going home during the day then staying the night together, that way we got to spend a little more time at home.

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