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Asoka Pov.

I woke up in Kakashi's arms, with Rami talking non-stop about how cute I was. And the couple me and Kakashi would make. I didnt want to be dragged into this conversation, so I went back to sleep.

I woke again by the sound of doors opening. I opened my eyes and saw I was shifted turning towards Kakashi's chest. Oh man. How long have I been asleep, and bothering him with my weight?

I pushed myself away from him softly. Kakashi stopped and looked down at me. I slowly unfolded myself with a small blush and he put me down. The minute my feet touched the floor I was tackled with a hug.


We waited quietly and I could feel Kakashi's side glances towards me and my twin. I blushed as I remebered my twin's words.

Rami knocked on the double doors as hard as she could, grinning from ear to ear as she did.

The door opened slowly as an annoyed Tsunade greeted us with a pissed expression.

"Stop being so loud, you idiots." She growled, and stepped aside, not exactly seeing Rami.

Rami walked in folowed by Kakashi and me.

Tsunade sat in her chair, infront of her desk. Drinking another glass of Sake, as papers littered her desk. Me and Rami both gave forced coughs and Tsunade looked up, before spiting out all of the Sake from her mouth.

"OH M- Kakashi, do you see it too?" She asked him, wide eyed. He looked at me, then Rami, who was on his other side, before nodding to Tsunade slowly.

"This is Rami, Asoka's twin sister." Kakashi awkwardly laughed.

"Hello Tsundere- I MEAN ADE- TSUNADE!" Rami fixed and I burst into giggles.

A Tsundere is someone who seems cold and angry all the time, but gets to know someone, is very living. Tsun is cold, dere is love. A Tsundere would pretty much smack people when embarassed, like Clannad's older twin that abuses Tomoya.

I smirked. Tsunade was a Tsundere anyways, always smacking around Jiraiya.

"So you're Asoka's twin? I wasn't aware she had a twin." Tsunade spoke, raising her eyebrow.

"I removed it from most of the archives of the world, but Jashin-sama said I should return here, and help with the invasion."

"Where did you hear about the Invasion!?" Tsunade yelled, shocked.

"Wait, there IS an invasion?!" I gasped, stepping back.

"Yes. We are leaving Konagakure, to invade Kusagakure, on September 4th. We arrive there on the 5th, to defeat Tenzen Haruhana, and save their people." Tsunade said, frowning.

"W-Wait! HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT?!" I yelled at Rami. She gave me a devilish cheshire grin and winked. That awnsered nothing. I groaned and gave her a blank stare.

"W-Wait, September 4th? Isn't that in a week or so?" Kakashi asked.

Tsunade smirked. "Yep, and in that time I want Rami teaching you everything about fighting and such."

"What?!" I yelled

~ ~ ~ Time Skip to Sept. 3rd ~ ~ ~

'D-Damn it K-Kakashi!' I thought with an annoyed blush. He locked me in his room with my pedo-twin.

"Soooooo?" My twin said, winking and taking my arm.

"S-So what?" I asked, cursing myself for stuttering.

"Aww- don't be afraid my twinny. This wont hurt that that much. It'll hurt a TON MORE!" She yelled and came at me to grab my hand. I pushed her back, but it was too late. She activated her Tsunovba, and the chain reaction activated mine as her hand was on my tatto of thorns.

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