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[Edit- 4-26-12: This story in the beginning starts REALLY REALLY SLOW. But it'll be faster and more interesting later on. Please stick through until the end. Thank you ~bows~]

[[EDIT x2 COMBO - 2/29/16 - Yeah, it starts out really slow I swear it does get better. -Me from the future]]

Asoka POV.

"Carter?!" I yelled out my father's name, as I stood up shakily. "Emma?!" I yelled out my mother's name. "This is a joke right?!" I yelled to the sky. The sun was up, but not overhead, which meant it wasn't noon...perhaps 9? I looked around me...there wasn't anything to use. I looked at the trees around me. I can't climb these. The branches were too high.

"CARTER! EMMA! I GET IT! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" I yelled to the sky, birds flew out of the trees at my rage.

"Hey lady, stop yelling, I'm hiding from my sensei." I heard from behind me. I turned around to see a boy with blonde hair and whisker markings, he looks a lot like Naruto...cool, maybe there's a cosplay convention close by.

"Oh, why are you hiding from him?" I asked with a slight smile.

"NARUTO! How dare you deface the Hokage's face!" I heard from behind me. I turned my head to see somebody who resembled Iruka. Wow, these guys are really good at cosplaying, especially their acting, if I wouldn't have known I would have thought it was acting, and I'm probably still asleep, yep. The Naruto cosplayer yelped and hid behind me, his head reaching to my shoulder. I'm short for my age...

"I'm terribly sorry for Naruto's behavior...he's in trouble now." The Iruka cosplayer growled. I smiled inwardly at how well they were acting.

"Wow...you guys are really great at acting..." I mumbled, with a yawn. "I learned my lesson, take me home." I said walking up to the Iruka cosplayer, the Naruto cosplayer clung onto my leg and dug his feet into the dirt, trying to keep me from moving, ha yeah, like that would stop me. I put my hand on Iruka's shoulder. "Take me to your leader." I said with a sigh.

"You mean the Hokage?"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever..." I said with a yawn. The Iruka cosplayer nodded and walked away, I followed him with Naruto clinging to my leg, we soon left the forest and were in a village. Wow! Emma and Carter really want to teach me a lesson... We continued walking till we reached a building I saw to be the academy.

"Wait here, a second." Iruka said, grabbing Naruto by his collar and going inside.


Half an hour later of waiting on cosplay Naruto's swing Iruka came out with tissues in his nose...wow...these guys are good. We were walking when I saw a Kakashi cosplayer walking the same direction I was following the Iruka cosplayer to. Wow, I knew it! Carter and Emma wanted to teach me the difference between Anime and the real world...again.

"Hello Kakashi, can you take..." Iruka looked at me for my name...wow these guys are good.

"Asoka." I said, annoyed.

"Asoka here, to the hokage, I need to get back to the academy..." The Iruka cosplayer said. Kakashi nodded, not looking up from his book, walking slowly. Wow. These guys are pros.

I walked behind him slowly, as I stared off into space.

'Die, they will all die.' I heard from behind me. I stopped walking, frozen, the wind blew, leaves kicked up in the air. Then something caught my eye...something I thought wasn't possible. I turned around to see people busy with their daily lives...but on the floor...was a red rose. I stared at it for a second, my heart dropping into my stomach. The calling card for Mussō-ka, which means...this isn't real...unless... I pinched myself on my arm, very hard, blood trickled down my arm slowly. Oh my gosh...I'm in Naruto?!

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