28- STAY THE *%#$& Away from me!

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Asoka POV.

I kicked the rock down the street as I walked torwards my house. My hands in my pockets.

Why does everyone think I like Kakashi?!

I don't think I like him!

>You don't THINK that you like him... but its a possibility! ;D


(A/N: XD Sorry, I had to do that. Hagaz inspired me, with our Daily Skype Talks~ Him and his Inner Hagaz XD )

He's just a really nice guy...he makes me happy...I guess....

>You guess?



Why do social relationships have to be so hard?

Not even the explination I recived from Mimi would help me right now. Even those lessons on emotions would render me confused.

~Flash Back~

I was young at the time, being an 11 year old who's online friend was a hacker. Yet, I still didn't understand the meaning of it.

I at first thought of the maids as my friends, but rumours began going around. Ones saying how cold and evil I was. Soon the maids did their dutys, and gave ME the cold shoulder. At the time, I had lost alot of my emotions and didn't really care. But I was curious.

I had always heard the rumours that the maids sent around to one another. I never had the same maid come into my room twice. Never...or atleast until Mimi came to work.

Mimi was a 25 year old woman, she had raven black hair and hazle eyes. I had seen her around multiple times. She was the one who listened to gossip, but never talked. One day when I was running a fever she brought in my tea.

"Hello, Master Asoka." Mimi curtsyed, at the door, with the medicine and tea on a silver plater. I stared at it dully, underneath my bed covers.

"Hello, Mimi-san." I said with a small yawn. Her eyes widened at the mention of her name.

"P-please do not address me as that, Master Asoka, I am just a servant." She said. Setting the platter by my bedside. I turned my head to look at her.

"So? You work under my father, not me." I coughed, turning my head to the side, then looked back at her wide eyes. "Plus, you haven't been spreading any rumours about me or anything." I shrugged.

"Because I belive people should talk about what they know, Master Asoka." I rolled my eyes as she replaced the warm cloth on my head with a new cold one.

It was a slightly akward silence, but peacefull at the same time. It had no tension at all.

"Then could you tell me something you know?" I asked breaking the silence. She nodded. "Whats life like in the outside world? Is it like the online world? Are people just as nice? Beside the bad guys who do bad things?" My questions just continued flowing. I hadn't had anyone to talk to outside of the internet for a long time. Mimi frowned, pouring my tea.

"Sadly no, the world outside is a cruel place filled with judgement, looks, everything you do... Love is also something judged." She said handing me my tea and helping me up.

It was quiet as I drank my tea. When I finished I layed back down. Mimi was now filling the cold medicine to the tablespoon ammount.

"Did you ever fall in love?" I asked carefully.

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