59- Listening to Water.

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I updated the Wattpad app.. and WHAM. I can update on my phone, without using memo-pad. ;_; I love you so much right now Wattpad people. I love you so much.

-Written on phone, not edited. Not that my chapters ever are edited-

Oh and *'6htbvedxwscbfxhjsdnxfhdsuajyqnb;&_!:Z KYAAAA! 2000 VOTES OH MAH EFFING GOSH. I NEVER EVEN THOUGHT ID GET PAST 100! AND IM JUST SPAZZING! I LOVE YOU ALL ;_;

P.P.S I'm planning ongoing to the New York Anime Convention in October.. :3 Anyone else coming?

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Aiden Pov.

The dustly cell only had a broken sink, a lumpy stinky mattress with stains. Some looked like blood, others like... barf. Spiderwebs were at the upper corners of the roof.

Drip Drip Drip.

Each created a little pattern. It was like music. Annoying music.

Drip Drip Drip.

The pool of water in the broken sink overflowed and spilled slowly to the floor. My eyes trailed it as I sat quietly in a corner. The chakra cuffs scratched and burnt my skin as I rubbed my hands against one another to create some heat.

It was cold in this contaiment place. My back was to the corners of the walls. My feet were bent as I leaned softly on the wall.

"Burts of blue, blasts of red..." I began to sing but stopped. I was too hungry and thirsty to waist energy on singing.

I sighed and my stomach grumbled as it moved with my breathing. I groaned quietly.

"Guards?" I called outloud, hoping somebody could hear me.

I heard shuffeling from outside my cell.

"What." A gruff voice asked in a sharp tone.

"I'm very hungry." I said to him, my stomach growling again to emphisize it.

"So what?" He asked a sharp edge to his voice.

"Get me food, please." I asked politely.

"You're a prisoner, you'll get food when you do." He sounded uncaring.

"I havent eaten in about a week." I added the small detail, my voice squeaking like a mouse.

I heard grumbling and footsteps.

It was silent for a while, until the footsteps returned.

"Here.." The voice grumbled, and I saw a metal plate slide under the door with rice and water.

I slowly crawled towards it and slid it on the ground, back to my corner. I quietly ate the rice. My throat soon burned less and I took a sip of water. I couldn't contain myself any longer.

(Play Song- Very Important foreshadowing c: plus its pretty.)

Taking in breaths and stretching, so I layed on the floor on my back, my feet crossing over one another.

"Bursts of blue, blasts of red...

The world crumbles around me.

Twisted screams in my head.

Look what my best friend has done to me.

Now I drift through empty space.

Vision of a boy's pain filled face.

I reflect with apathy,

Upon my memories..." I continued to eat and drank some more, pushing myself up with my hand. I heard shuffeling, but I ignored it. More footsteps and whispering. Voices and I could feel more presences. I ignored that aswell. I'm singing for myself, not others. They are just freeloaders. I brought the cup to my mouth, drinking more water before getting ready to sing to myself sadly. My eyes closed as I could feel small tears wanting to come out, but I wouldn't let them.

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