23-I'm The Queen Now!

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Asoka Pov.

I neared the training grounds to see Naruto and Sauske panting on the floor covered in sweat. They both had the kind of smile that you give yourself when you know you've done good. Kakashi was by the rock, reading as if nothing was wrong. I saw Sakura pass them and run off agian. I take it she isn't finished then...

I sighed and leaned on the tree. The voice won't stop talking to me. Its making me feel depressed acctually. Reminding me things that I'd rather forget. My head was pounding and I felt slightly dizzy. I slumped down to the floor, still leaning on the tree.

'It was night. Dark and cold. You went out. Meet a friend. Friend from school.' It continued telling the story. I put my hands over my ears,closing my eyes. No. I don't want to hear it. My will drowned it out slightly, as If it were underwater. But it continued talking. 'To the store. Was three men. They were hired.' I shook my head more, tears stung the back of my eyes. I don't want to hear it. I felt something touch my shoulder. I jumped and looked up to see the one onyx eye of Kakashi looking down at me worried. The voice drowned until nothing was there. I jumped up and hugged him.

Kakashi saved me. He saved me from the voice. I don't want the voice to continue. I want to forget. I wish to forget...

My arms held his waist as tears ran down my face. I put my head in his chest so nobody could see how broken I was. I felt Kakashi's arms akwardly hug me back. I could tell I was making him uncomforatble, but I was too grateful to care.

I sniffed as I shook silently. I'm such a cry baby. People out there have it worse, and I'm here crying about some voice in my head. Why can't it just leave me alone?

I don't know how long we stood together like that. But I calmed down soon and stepped back. Why was I upset again? I forgot... I looked up at Kakashi confused.

"Why was I upset again?" I asked him. He looked shocked.

"I don't know. I thought you needed help." He said just as confused as I was. I shrugged and patted him on the shoulder, even if I had to jump up to do it.

"Thanks. I needed that." I said with a smile, then returned to my students. They looked up at me.

"Okay! Now. 50 Pushups!" I said clapping my hands. Everyone looked at me shocked.

"WHAT?! WHY?! THAT'S TOO MUCH! BELIVE IT!" Naruto yelled.

"Dattebayo, yourself. Its possible. Come come on, if you dont push your boundaries, you won't become stronger." I said getting down on the floor and doing asmany pushups as I could.

Naruto and Sauske followed my lead while Sakura complained, but did it too, at a much slower pace.

The burns within my hands and feet just told me to keep going on. I liked the pain and the burning feeling. It reduced my stress and made me feel stronger. I didn't count, but I knew I went over 50. Afterall, being a lazy butt, practically confined in your room for half of the day tends to make me do tons of fitness excersises to keep in shape...for my 'father', with addition to dream training with Mussō-ka.

Speaking of Mussō-ka...where is he? I stopped for a second but contuined. I fixed my breathing and continued. I was up to a large number when a pain shot up my right arm. I fell on it and held it to my chest silently, as I lay on my shoulder. I looked at the other students who were doing their pushups. Naruto and Sauske were making it competition, they probably passed the number long ago, but want to get more than the other. I looked to Sakura who was having trouble but continued, after a few hopeful glances to Sauske. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I like them all, besides Sauske, in Shippuden. I pushed myself up and pretended to do sit-ups.

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