29- Slowing down to a Jog.

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Asoka Pov.

Since I was still in the hospital dress they made me change into, I went inside my house to change back into normal clothes.

I soon sighed, tiredly. Everything was getting so complicated. I heard a poof, which means Kakashi was there to probably get me. Frowning I went into the bathroom and locked the door hurridly. Turning on the shower water.

I heard a bang on the bathroom door, a hard knock. I would have screamed if it weren't for my hand clasping over my mouth. It happened again, knocking twice, but harder. I could feel Kakashi's chakara behind the door. Pretend you're taking a shower...

The knocking was harder, and for a split second, I thought the door would have broken down, or a crack would have gaven the sign.

"I know you're in there!" I remained quiet. "And not taking a shower! Come out!" Kakashi continued. Frowning I stayed on the toilet seat.

He cant get me out of here. I mean, what if I was naked, and undressing, or in the shower. What would he do?

"I'll use the transportation jutsu if you don't open up." Kakashi taunted. Frowning I glanced at the window.

No way he's going to get me out. The doctors will give me shots, and medicine that I don't need. They wont listen to me.

"3." I took out a Kunai and stood up on the the toilet seat, ready to attack. "2." A few cold sweat droplets ran down my face. "1...Transportation Jutsu." There was a poof infront of the door, dust filled the bathroom. I saw a figure infront of me, being shadowed by the dust. I jumped at it, stabbing it with a Kunai, it made contact. I heard a poof and more dust clouds.

I took out the Kunai, putting my hand on the object. I felt rough wood. Damn it! I substitution. I went to turn around, to put my back on the door, but arms wrapped around my waist and my back felt a strong chest.

I could feel my face heat up.

"Gotcha." Kakashi whispered into my ear, making me squirm, trying to get away from him.

"Noo." I whined with a frown.

"You need your imunizations." He said. I tried cheapshoting him, backwards, by kicking my foot back. I missed. Growling I tried to pull away, my hands on his hands that were around my waist in a strong grip. I was getting very uncomfertable. I gave up with his hands and brought my elbow back, connecting it with his chest. He oompfed and moved back, but behind him was the door. I slammed myself back, pancaking him between the door and myself. He let go and I jumped forward, quickly opening the window and leaping out for my life.

I could hear Kakashi yelling for me. I turned my head to the side, flipping my hair over to the other side to see Kakashi chasing after me with a frown, most likely underneath his mask.

I ran faster. Anxiety and adrenaline pushing me through.

"Asoka! Wait!" I shook my head as the wind and the fear of needles both joined together to make my vision blurry with tears.

I heard a faint growl and sounds of a jutsu. I was knocked into something and held again around my waist.

"Asoka-wait a second..." Kakashi panted out of breath. I struggled more, as some tears betrayed me, dropping down my chin.

"Don't take me back there. I don't-" My voice cracked as I held my voice. If I spoke anymore I knew I would begin to cry. I was scared. I don't want to go back.

"Its okay, I won't take you back..." Kakashi soothed. His voice was comforting and I found myself calming down slowly. The anxiety and adrenaline drained away, leaving me tired. Kakashi let go of my waist slowly and walked around me, but his hands hovering afew inches as if to keep me from leaving.

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