42- Meeting Team Kana

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Asoka POV.

I stood in front of the doors to the hokage's office. I unsurely knocked.

"Come in." I opened the door, kicking it slightly with my foot, before pushing it with my arm.

I shut the door behind me with the heel of my foot. Keeping my gaze on the Third Hokage who sat behind his desk with documents of many sorts next to him in piles, held together with rubber bands. I looked at it then back to him, gazing in his eyes.

"Hello, Asoka, what do you need?" He asked with a soft smile, it seemed partially fake, I frowned on the inside, but kept my façade.

"A mission, something I could do to get some money." I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because I like having money in my pocket, and I'm broke." I replied with a shrug. He nodded and sighed.

"Well, Team Kana was looking for a last fourth member, the mission is a B-Rank, with a week completion time, are you up for it?" He asked me. I nodded a yes. "Alright, go home and pack up, they were supposed to meet up..." He looked at the watch to his right, "Right about now, I'll send a messenger telling them to wait, they'll brief you, meet up at the east gate." I nodded and did the hand sign to poof out of the building.

I arrived in my room and took my backpack, filling it with a week's worth of clothes, and a large number of weapons to condensate for the lost sword.

I then grabbed the small remaining money I had found in my backpack, and wrote a quick note to Kakashi, and teliported to the weapon shop.

I grabbed a cheap looking sword and handed all the money I could to the owner. Who looked shocked.

"Its too much!" He yelled. I waved my hand and did the teliportation I arrived in front of a group of three other adults, in front of the east gate as I heard the Hawk flying away.

"Am I late?" I asked huffing.

"No, you're on time, actually, I guess you're Asoka Hatake?" A woman with Blondie hair and bright blue eyes asked me with a grin.

"Yes, thats me." I said, and bowed. "Please take care of me."

Two men behind her snickered, as if in an inside joke that I didn't know about.

"I'm Hich Otarani." Said the one on the left, with brown hair that seemed to have a reddish tint to it, if you looked closely enough. And his eyes were a deep green color that had a swirling kind of effect to them. I nodded, taking in the rest of his appearance, which had the Jonin clothing, and his headband on his arm.

"I'm Watanuki Otarani," He gestured with his thumb to Hich. "That's my younger brother. We're twins." I nodded. He had the same eyes, but had slightly more blue in his eyes, and his voice was a little deeper. He wore the same vest for jonin. His headband on his arm.

"And I am Riza Nakiama. We're team Kana, which is named after our Sensei-who isn't our sensei anymore- but is still with us. We're all jonin, you don't seem to be wearing the vest...are you a jonin?" The woman asked. I pondered on her question.

"I have no idea." I replied with my arms next to me, and a close eyed smile, showing half of a grin. I heard the sound of bodies hit the floor.


"So you're a genin then?" Hich asked, standing up with the rest of team Kana. I shook my head no.

"I'm above Chunin, and qualified to go on this, mission with you. NOW. What is this mission about anyways?" I asked with a close eyed smile, tilting my head to the side.

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