Complete Seclusion

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Feng Yu Heng facepalmed, "I told you to wash, so just get cleaned up. Where's the need to speak so much nonsense."

He laughed. This damn girl finally flipped. There were times when he thought that he had a bit of a tendency to seek abuse. When this girl had a genial expression, he felt a little odd. On the contrary, when she was valiant, he felt more at ease.

Xuan Tian Ming's final conclusion was: This prince is also quite odd!

After the two finished cleaning up, Feng Yu Heng provocatively shoved the tub into her sleeve and emptied it. When she brought it out, the tub was completely clean.

He remained calm and felt that this sort of wife was truly quite good. There were plenty of surprises in life!

"Heng Heng." He tugged at his wife's sleeve, "At a later date, how about you try shoving this prince into your sleeve? This prince also wants to see what sort of space is in there."

Feng Yu Heng looked at him sneakily. After looking for a long time, she finally said: "You're optimistic."

In the blink of an eye, she moved her small body over to the stone door. Pushing it open, she said to the guards outside: "Have you prepared food? I am dying of hunger."

The two people outside had been leaning against the stone door to try and listen in. Feng Yu Heng suddenly pushing the door left them with no defense, scraping their noses.

The two covered the noses and said with bitter expressions: "County princess, the food has already been prepared. This subordinate will have someone bring it over."

Xuan Tian Ming played with his whip inside the room, "It seems that there needs to be a change in who guards the bedrooms." There really was no sense of privacy!

Not long later, the soldiers brought the food in, and Xuan Tian Ming told her: "This prince had some food specially prepared for you. See if they are to your taste." He said this, but his expression clearly said: Quickly see how intimate this prince is.

Feng Yu Heng looked at the dishes with doubt in her heart and immediately put on an embarrassed face... cooked pig liver, steamed pig's blood, fried pork loin and stewed pig trotters.

She could understand the first three. Her great aunt had come, so she had to replenish her blood, but what was with the pig trotters? For... for lactation?

The corner of her mouth twitched, as she helplessly asked the soldier that brought the food: "Is there anything lighter?"

The soldier nodded, "There is congee."

Very well, it was a red date, longan and lotus congee.

Feng Yu Heng finished eating this meal with extremely complicated feelings. Although she had endless criticisms, she did not complain to Xuan Tian Ming in the slightest. She knew that this man was doing this for her benefit, but he was a grown man and a prince. How could he possibly know what should be done to help a woman during her menstrual period. Being able to think of helping her replenish blood was already pretty good. If she nitpicked now, she would appear quite unreasonable.

The two quietly ate, with their chopsticks occasionally bumping into each other, but it was very calming. But the inside of the bedroom was a little subdued. She began to think that maybe she should put on some music while eating in the future.

At this time, Xuan Tian Ming, who had not spoken the entire time, suddenly spoke up, saying to her: "Where exactly you went, I can choose to not ask, but, Heng Heng, at least let me know that you are safe. You don't know just how frantic I was when I could not find you."

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now