Talking with Feng Yu Heng is Upsetting!

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Feng Jin Yuan did not know when it started, but he really feared Feng Yu Heng coming to settle a debt with him. He knew even less when he began to owe Feng Yu Heng this debt. Now, Feng Yu Heng had lost a servant and had come to ask him to pay, but how could he repay her?

In an instant, he began to think quickly in his head.

The Feng family and the Chen family have fallen out, but he still permitted Chen Yu to communicate with the Chen family. First, Chen Yu had lost her mother and familial bonds were hard to break, so it was something of a memento. Second, if the Chen family occasionally provided some money, he would have an easier time with his work.

Like this time, he had been wondering what he should send into the palace, but he had not reached any sort of decision after two months. Although he found some nice things on the outside, he felt that they were either in poor taste or that he had given something similar in the past. There was never something that he was quite satisfied with. But the Chen family had acted this morning and provided a cask made of jadite. It was half the size of a person, and it was filled with topaz. Most shockingly, the topaz had been shaped to look fresh ginger. With all of them piled into the cask, there was a small peak at the top of the pile, making it look like a small mountain.

Just the jadite and topaz alone were beyond priceless, but based entirely on the hidden meaning of the cask and the fresh ginger, the Chen family was saying that this was a cask of rivers and mountains.1 When he first heard it, he felt abnormally shocked, but when he thought about of it as a gift for the new year, he wondered how happy the Emperor would be. He had already begun to feel that it was odd to receive such a great gift from the Chen family, but he never thought that such a thing would be waiting for him.

The matriarch could see that Feng Jin Yuan was struggling based on his expression, and she believed that he was worried about the same things as her, that the case without any clues could not be solved. Thus she quickly told him: "That goshawk has already been caught by A-Heng and sent to the government office. Don't worry, our Feng family's children were ambushed, so the governor will not handle the case half-heartedly."

Feng Jin Yuan heart tightened. The hawk had been caught? When he returned to the capital today, he had heard that there was a new governor, but he did not have a chance to carefully investigate what sort of person he was. But the matriarch had already said this, so it would not be good for him to say anything else. Moreover, the Chen family had become more and more bold, daring to take aim at his children time and time again. This time, they turned their sights on Feng Zi Rui, his only heir. If he endured any longer, perhaps the Chen family would go one step further, one day choosing to target him directly.

"Good! You have done well!" He looked at Feng Yu Heng and seriously said: "Father trusts that the governor will not slack off on this case despite knowing that our Feng family's children were ambushed. Father will personally keep an eye on this matter. I will definitely have the person behind the scenes dragged out and their body shattered into ten thousand pieces!"

He angrily said this through gritted teeth, as he exuded an angry aura from his entire body. Feng Chen Yu saw it and retreated one step at a time in fear and narrowly avoided stumbling.

Feng Yu Heng nodded her head in satisfaction, "Since father has said so, A-Heng will relax. Father has worked hard and should get some rest first. Grandmother has already prepared a feast to welcome you back. After you have rested, we can begin to eat."

How could Feng Jin Yuan have the mind to rest. He immediately turned down invitations from Han shi and Jin Zhen then left with his retinue back to Pine courtyard.

After he left, the female members of the family also began to disperse. Feng Chen Yu was in a daze and was last to leave. Her idea of winning Feng Jin Yuan's pity had sunk. She was both hurt and scared, and she felt a new level of hatred for Feng Yu Heng that she had never felt before. She knew that her second sister was most adept at adding oil to the fire. Although she had a stoic expression and did not say too much from beginning to end, not a single word she said was wasted. Although she looked carefree, when she did speak, she targeted Feng Jin Yuan's innermost worries. Now, Feng Jin Yuan looked at her with a gaze that held some disgust, so what could she do?

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now