What Exactly is This Family Thinking?

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The matriarch was shocked by the sudden arrival of good news, as she urgently asked: "What is the good news?"

The servant: "Elder madam, go to the front yard to take a look. The eunuch that had come to make the imperial decree is already waiting in the front yard!"

Hearing that there would be an imperial decree, the matriarch trembled as a conditioned reflex. In the past half year, the Feng family had received more imperial decrees than in the previous 20 years, but each time, it did not seem to be a good thing, and if it was anything good, it was related to Feng Yu Heng. Thinking like this, she naturally felt that this imperial decree would most likely be for Feng Yu Heng, thus she quickly informed the servant: "Perhaps second young miss still has not gone very far. Quickly chase after her and bring her to the front yard."

The servant that had come with the message stomped her foot and laughed, saying: "Oh! Elder madam, this imperial decree is for you! It's an extremely good thing!"

Granny Zhao immediately felt that something was off and quickly said: "Speak clearly. What exactly is the good news?"

Only then did the servant say: "An imperial decree came from the palace for the elder madam. It says that elder madam will be conferred the title of first rank noble lady! Elder madam, quickly go to the front yard to receive the imperial decree!"

"Oh!" The two were stunned at first then revealed their joy. Granny Zhao immediately informed the servant: "Quickly have people call the concubine mothers and young misses of each courtyard to go receive the imperial decree together. Right, you must bring second young miss back too. She left not too long ago."

"Ok!" The servant happily ran out to spread the word.

Granny Zhao helped the matriarch stand up. While helping her tidy her clothes and hair, she said: "Our manor will soon be welcoming the eldest princess of Qian Zhou. Thinking about it, his Majesty is definitely feeling that elder madam not having a noble title is something that is unacceptable. But speaking of this, this old servant feels that this noble title is coming a little too late. Elder madam, you are the mother of a standard first rank official. You should have received it long ago."

The matriarch was already full of enthusiasm. How could she still be worried about such things, as she pushed for granny Zhao to hurry up. She then said: "Whether it came early or late, either way, it has come. If his Majesty decided not to confer this title, there is also nothing we could do!"

Granny Zhao casually said: "Hah, thinking of how that Yao shi has the title of first rank noble lady makes this old servant feel wronged on elder madam's behalf."

The matriarch also felt wronged on this matter: "Hmph, A-Heng even knows to request a noble title for her own mother; however, my son doesn't have that on his mind!" Upon mentioning this, the matriarch's expression sank.

Granny Zhao quickly tried to pardon herself: "It was all this old servant's fault for being poor with words. Elder madam, you absolutely must not get mad at master. Master is the prime minister, so he naturally must be an example for the other officials. If he is like the others and only looks out for his own family's benefit, how could that be good!"

The matriarch was also thinking of this reasoning, and her expression improved slightly.

Granny Zhao secretly let out a sigh of relief. It really was too dangerous earlier. If the elder madam had truly gone to get angry at master because of what she had said, her crime would have been too great. She began moving her hands faster and brushed the matriarch's hair once more then said: "Everything's ready. Elder madam, let's quickly head towards the front yard!"

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