A Woman's Gift

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Last time she went to Winter Moon Palace, what did imperial concubine Yun say again? She did not want to look pretty and be thought of by others.

Although it was possible that it was said in anger, what one thought was one matter, while the actual situation was another, after all, there was not a person in the world that did not like being beautiful. Since imperial concubine Yun had said such a thing, she must have her own thoughts. Feng Yu Heng knew that she was a woman who had a lot of things on her mind. It would be best if she did not go against her desires.

Forget it. The gift that was originally the same as what she had prepared for the Empress now seemed inappropriate after some thought.

She continued walking forward, as she pondered what sort of gift she should give instead. Huang Quan asked her: "Did young miss think of something?"

She shook her head: "No, I was just wondering if imperial concubine Yun would like the gift that I prepared for her."

"She will definitely like it." Huang Quan smiled and said: "Young miss has always been mindful and tactful. Imperial concubine Yun also really likes you, so anything you give will be good."

Feng Yu Heng, however, understood that liking or disliking was all based on a choice made after viewing the advantages and disadvantages. Aside from the first time they met, where imperial concubine Yun expressed her respect for the Yao family, she only spoke of how she had been nothing but good for Xuan Tian Ming. How could a shrewd woman like imperial concubine Yun allow her son to have a worthless fiancee at his side.

She kept thinking it over in her head, but she did not stop. Instead, she even increased her pace. In just the time of a stick of incense, she arrived in front of Winter Moon Palace.

At this time, Feng Yu Heng had already decided on the gift that she would give imperial concubine Yun. It was just kept in her space and was not brought out.

The front gate of Winter Moon Palace still remained closed, and there were female guards standing outside. There were no signs of any red lanterns, nor was there even a single word of fortune stuck somewhere. It did not have the appearance of celebrating the new year, and it caused people's hearts to tremble.

"I came to see imperial concubine mother. Is she here?"

"Yes." The guard turned to open the gate and said: "Imperial concubine Yun knew that princess would definitely be coming, and she even said you would arrive after paying respects in Fei Cui Hall. It seems that she was correct."

Feng Yu Heng smiled then entered Winter Moon Palace. Immediately, a palace maid came over and saluted then led the way. She also told Feng Yu Heng: "Imperial concubine is currently in Zi Wei Hall. The supervisor of the Board of Astronomy has come and is explaining something about the stars."

"Board of Astronomy..." She pondered and said this. It seemed that Xuan Tian Ming had mentioned before that it was an office in charge of monitoring the stars, "Imperial concubine believes in such things?"

The palace maid laughed and replied, "It can't be considered believing, but imperial concubine said that the people from the Board of Astronomy are very good at telling stories. When she is bored, she listens to them to pass the time."

Very well, since imperial concubine Yun has these sorts of thoughts, Feng Yu Heng could only laugh. But when she thought about it, listening to the stories from the Board of Astronomy would indeed be pretty interesting.

While they spoke, they arrived at Zi Wei Hall. Huang Quan stood to the side of the door and did not advance any further. The young palace maid stood in front of the door and loudly said: "Reporting to imperial concubine, princess has arrived." Without waiting for a response from inside, she reached out and gently pushed the door open. She then gestured for Feng Yu Heng to enter.

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