If You Dare Touch Her, I Will Have You Quartered

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At this time, the sound of horses came from the main road. Before Yi Lin could react, she saw Feng Yu Heng and Huang Quan stand up at practically the same time.

In truth, Feng Yu Heng was very worried, but her worry was simply not revealed for others to see. At the same time she threw Feng Chen Yu into the carriage, she had secretly made a hand signal to Ban Zou. Ban Zou had been with her for a long time, so he was familiar with the hand signals that she used, thus he left before them to go receive Zi Rui.

And the reason they were waiting in this place was for Ban Zou.

At this time, Huang Quan had already seen a quick horse rushing over along the main road. It was none other than Ban Zou. She quickly shouted and waved to him.

Ban Zou turned the horse and rushed into the woods. Arriving before them, he dismounted the horse with two people in his arms. One was Feng Zi Rui, and the other was Qing Yu.

Once Feng Zi Rui's feet touched the ground, he immediately dove into Feng Yu Heng's waist. His small face was pale with fear, and his small body continued to tremble.

"Elder sister, I'm so scared. We ran into an assassin along the way!"

She hugged Zi Rui and comforted him while giving a look to Ban Zou asking, where was Wang Chuan?

Before Ban Zou could respond, Feng Zi Rui, who was still trembling, suddenly raised his head. His complexion was still slightly pale, but it was much better than before. His mental state was also slowly steadying itself. But he looked at Feng Yu Heng and said in a serious adult manner: "Someone wanted to kill us, and sister Wang Chuan hid me and Qing Yu in some snow. She went to fight with 20 people alone. I saw sister Wang Chuan cough up blood in exhaustion. In the end, she was taken away by the bad guys."

Huang Quan's calf twitched, as she moved in the direction Ban Zou had come from, but she was stopped by Ban Zou: "I could not even find her. What good is there in you going now?"

Qing Yu was also extremely frightened, but she was still a little older than Zi Rui. Ever since she had begun following Feng Yu Heng, she had seen her share of difficult situations. Although she was shocked, she was not completely out of sorts. She told Feng Yu Heng: "It was a group of people in black clothes that had their faces covered. They seemed to be very capable in martial arts. Sister Wang Chuan could manage three or four, but the enemy had 17 or 18 people. We truly could not be considered their opponents. As young master said, once Wang Chuan noticed that something was off, she immediately hid us in a pile of snow, and we could only secretly watch through a hole in the snow, but we did not dare make a single sound."

Feng Yu Heng's calm gaze gradually became piercingly cold. Without a trace of hesitation, she shot a look at Yi Lin. Yi Lin was caught off guard and nearly threw Feng Chen Yu away in fear.

"Master, what will we do now?" Ban Zou asked her.

Feng Yu Heng pondered for a while then said: "Hitch the horse to the carriage. We will return to the manor."

Ban Zou had always acted on her orders. Nodding, he went to handle the horse. It was Huang Quan who anxiously asked: "Then what will we do about Wang Chuan?"

She patted the back of Huang Quan's hand. The two girls had grown up together, so their deep feelings could not be substituted. Now that something happened to Wang Chuan, Huang Quan was the one who worried the most.

"Trust me." She did not say anything else, only telling her, "Wang Chuan will definitely come back."

Huang Quan was still a little worried, "Who knows how badly they've beaten Wang Chuan."

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now