Gossip About the County Princess' Manor

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When Feng Yu Heng came out of the medicine storage room, Wang Chuan was waiting for her outside. Seeing her come out, Wang Chuan quickly went forward. Just as she was about to speak, she saw a cut on Feng Yu Heng's left index finger. Even though it had been treated, it was still visibly red and swollen.

"Young miss, how did this happen?"

"It's fine. I cut myself with a knife by accident." While cleaning the scalpel, she had lost focus and cut her own hand. Of course, she did not intend to tell Wang Chuan such a shameful thing. "I have already applied medicine. It will be better by tomorrow."

Hearing that it was merely carelessness, Wang Chuan calmed down slightly. She did not want to cause Feng Yu Heng to worry again, but after thinking a little, she still said: "The imperial concubine in the cold palace has died." Xuan Tian Ming had plenty of eyes within the palace. Who knew when it started, but everything from large matters to small ones would be told to Tong Shen pavilion.

Bu Bai Ping's death was not too unexpected. When a cripple entered the cold palace, how many would be able to survive for a long time. What she did not know, however, was how the Bu family would act. The Emperor's current attitude towards them was something she still could not grasp.

"Follow the news a little more closely." She reminded Wang Chuan, "The Feng manor's side also needs to be kept under watch. As soon as Feng Jin Yuan sends a letter back, I must see its contents."

Wang Chuan nodded, "This servant has remembered."

At this time, Qing Shuang led a servant over to the entrance of the courtyard. Feng Yu Heng recognized that servant immediately. It was a servant who took care of Jin Zhen with Man Xi. She could not help but frown and ask Wang Chuan: "What time is it now?"

Wang Chuan replied: "It's just before midnight."

While she said this, Qing Shuang and the servant approached. Seeing that Feng Yu Heng was also in the courtyard, she quickly saluted and said: "Young miss has not yet rested? I originally wanted to ask Wang Chuan what to do, but since young miss is also here, I will let this servant tell young miss."

After saying this, the servant beside her dropped to her knees before Feng Yu Heng. With snot and tears on her face, she said: "I beg second young miss to save concubine mother Jin Zhen! I beg second young miss to save concubine mother Jin Zhen!"

"What happened to the concubine mother?" Wang Chuan asked for Feng Yu Heng, "If something has happened, get up and speak. Do not cry yet."

Qing Shuang helped her up, and the servant said: "Tonight, concubine mother Han invited a performance to the flower-viewing garden. Concubine mother brought Man Xi over to take a look, but they did not return after a long time. This servant became worried and went over to search for them at the flower-viewing garden. But... but when this servant arrived, concubine mother Jin Zhen was standing on the stage for some reason, and the performer was continuing to perform. Below, fourth young miss and concubine mother Han stood below and scolded her, while sister Man Xi stood with her head lowered. This servant did not dare go up."

Qing Shuang was very surprised upon hearing this, "Concubine mother Han was watching the play, so why did she have concubine mother go up on stage?"

The servant shook her head, "This servant does not know, but this servant only heard fourth young miss' words were very insulting. Concubine mother Jin Zhen had once said that only second young miss is able to protect her in this manor. There was nothing this servant could do, thus I came to beg second young miss. Second young miss, please save concubine mother Jin Zhen."

Tong Sheng pavilion was quite far from the flower-viewing garden, so the sounds of the play could not be heard. But she recognized this servant and knew that she would not trick her. Thus, she nodded and said to Qing Shuang: "Go with her and tell them I need to have Jin Zhen come over here and help with some embroidery. Have both her and Man Xi brought over. Arrange for them to stay here then send them back tomorrow."

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女) [Book 2]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora