Follow Until Death

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The three were all experts that had experienced the killing fields, and they had long lost count of the number of lives that they had taken. Between the three of them, there was a thick air of ferocity. Although this ferocity was not aimed at Feng Yu Heng, it would naturally disperse and still manage to cause her to feel a chill.

Feng Yu Heng had a completely different aura compared to the three. She did not exude any murderous intent; however, this did not mean that she would not kill anyone. It also did not represent that she had never watched someone die. In her previous life, she had been a surgeon. She had managed to save countless people, but the number of people that had died on the operating table was even higher. She had seen all kinds of tragic battles and disgusting wounds. In fact, when she was still in school, she had personally taken a corpse out of formalin for dissection.

That was why the murderous intent on the battlefield did not scare her. No matter how many lives the saber and two swords had taken, she was not afraid.

Lowering herself slightly, she looked forward. Raising her steel dagger, she rushed toward the three people.

Bai Ze smirked while watching from behind, "Three grown men and one little girl. This really is... too shameful."

Huang Quan heard this and smiled, "Wait until you see those three grown men unable to beat that little girl. It will feel even more shameful."

Xuan Tian Ming nodded, "One part of Heng Heng's martial arts was something that she had already learned. The other part is what this prince personally taught her. Do you believe that she will be at a disadvantage?"

Bai Ze naturally understood this reasoning. He also did not think that Feng Yu Heng would lose. He just felt that this situation was a little hard to watch.

But the three men did not think this way. They all stared straight at the dagger in Feng Yu Heng's hands. Their eyes were filled with joy, as though they were hawks that had found a chick. With a loud shout, they charged at the steel dagger.

Feng Yu Heng fought in a one versus three; however, she did not seem to be in a disadvantage. When their weapons arrived, she straightened out her body then slightly leaned back, conserving her strength. Only then did she bring her dagger forward to block the saber and two swords.

In the instant that their three weapons struck the steel dagger, a clean and crisp "ding" sound accompanied a shower of sparks. Feng Yu Heng held the dagger with both hands and used her strength to block the attacks from the three people. Suddenly exerting her strength, she returned the cold aura back to the three.

A buzzing sound came from the steel dagger once more. They looked carefully and saw that there was not the slightest change to the steel dagger. It was still as shiny as ever. Not a single trace had been left on the dagger. But when they looked at the weapons in their hands, there was a small gap that had appeared.

The three were extremely shocked, especially Qian Li. This saber was specially made. He had once competed with a soldier from Zong Sui. Although it was a friendly match and the adversary did not fight at full force, it could be considered as having fought against a weapon made of iron essence yet escaped unscathed. He once believed that with this saber was his lifesaving strength on the battlefield. It was Qian Li's symbol and his pride.

This pride now had a bit missing. Qian Li was a little distressed; however, at the same time, he was extremely shocked. The hardness of this new steel weapon was something that he had never seen before. He was a little curious. If that steel dagger took the initiative to cut at them, how could he possibly block it?

While he was thinking, Feng Yu Heng continued to move, as she suddenly flew forward. Although she did not leap too high, it did make up for the difference in height with the three grown men. The dagger in the girl's hands whistled as it cut through the air. It was the exact same movement that the three men before had used. The three were extremely shocked and also copied her earlier actions, bringing their swords forward to block; however, they saw the little girl suddenly shake her head, her lips curling into a strange smile. Performing a flip, she pulled back the dagger and reached out with her other hand.

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