Ice Cream (Request)

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I looked over at my phone as it buzzed, reaching over to see who was texting me. As soon as I saw his name, I smiled.

From Niall: 

it's too hot to function over here. wanna grab some ice cream? 

I grinned to myself, knowing full well that Niall used any excuse he could when he was bored. I put on some decent clothes (pic on side), addressing that it really was hot outside, and headed over to his house.

To Niall:

be there in ten x

I pulled into his driveway; he lived right next to downtown Los Angeles, so we could probably find a ice cream place. 

I ran up and knocked on the door, waiting to hear his footsteps. Niall and I were dating, but I still got nervous around him, and it had only been about a week.

He pulled open the door, grinning at me. 

"Hey," I greeted him, smiling as he hugged me. 

"You ready?" he asked, watching nod at him. He closed the door behind himself, trailing down the stairs. I followed behind him, falling into step next to him. 

"The place is called Frostbite," he snorted, making me giggle. He glanced at me in my peripheral vision, and I bit my tongue.

We walked along for abit, and he whistled some random song. When he stopped, I turned to look at him, but as soon as I had, his hand took mine. He stared at me as he intertwined our fingers, and I blushed. 

"Is this okay?" he wondered as I turned back to looking forward. Cars zoomed by as I felt my heart beating fast.

"Yeah," I grinned, glancing at him, feeling my stomach flip as he squeezed my hand ever so slightly. 

We walked for a few more minutes, breathing out cool air into the heat like broken air conditioners.

"There it is," he spoke up, making me turn to see where he was speaking towards. I saw the small shop, swarmed with people, across the wide street as more and more cars rushed by.

"Let's go!" he exclaimed, alarming me as he took off into the busy street. I focused on running, but he was much faster than me, pulling me along by my hand. 

We got to the other side, and I felt the gust from a car passing directly behind us. Any slower, and we would have been roadkill.

We waited in line, and Niall still had his hand in mine. After we got our cones, his hand left mine reluctantly.

I grabbed us some napkins, and we walked over to sit at one of the umbrella-covered benches. I heard Niall yell and looked over quickly. He looked up at me with a scrunched-up nose, and I ran over.

"I dropped it," he growled, sighing afterwards. He picked up the broken cone, overflowing with ice cream, and threw it in the garbage. 

"We can share mine," I shrugged, already having taken a few licks off of it. He shrugged, smiling.

"If it's not too much trouble." I grinned, shaking my head. I handed it to him, pulling my phone out of my back pocket so I wouldn't sit on it.

"As long as you don't drop it," I warned him. He chuckled, licking it a few times. I tried not to watch him, but when his eyes met mine, I blushed. 

He gave it back to me, putting his chin in his hands and staring at me, grinning like an idiot, without restraint. 

"What?" I smiled, liking the flavor of the ice cream on my tongue.

"We just indirectly kissed," he shrugged, biting his lower lip. I furrowed my eyebrows, but he looked at the cone once more, and I got it.

I blushed fiercely, and he took the treat from my hands. I watched him lick it once more and covered my smile, feeling my stomach flip everywhere. 

"Maybe you should be more direct, Niall," I playfully scolded, watching his eyes light up.

"You're in luck," he told me.



thanks to KenzieRametta for requesting this! I hope you liked it!

thanks for reading! please leave a comment of what you thought. 

i'm posting four more imagines today, so bear with me. i'm doing it in celebration of my BABY but also because i DO NOT go off the order they were requested in and someone wants me to post their imagine specifically today so

okay love you bye three more

Mel x 

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