Arm Wrestling (Request)

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I looked over at the table surrounded by a bunch of people. I pushed away my lunch tray and smirked at my friend.

"I'll be back," I smiled, walking over to the table where two idiots were arm wrestling. They all booed, signaling someone had lost, and I pushed through the people, coming face-to-face with the reigning champion, Niall Horan.

"I'm next," I yelled over all the talking. Niall's eyes met mine as the crowd silenced, and I sat down across from him.

"You?" he asked in disbelief, raising an eyebrow. I didn't know why I was feeling so cocky.

"Yeah," I scoffed, smirking. "I'm all for it." He shrugged.

"Sure, honey," he grinned, a look of teasing in his eyes. "But if I win, I get a kiss." I looked up at him from stretching my hand and fingers.

"I didn't agree to that," I countered, backing as far away as I could on the seat at the table.

"You said you were all for it," he shrugged, making me hate both of us. "C'mon, Amanda. It won't hurt," he shrugged, and for a second he didn't look so arrogant. He just looked like himself, or what I thought his real self looked like.

"Whatever," I sighed, putting my right arm up on the table.

"I'm left handed," he spoke up, and I met his eyes.

"It'll be more of a challenge for you, then," I smiled triumphantly. He shook his head.

"Fine," he hissed, putting his right elbow on the table. I took his hand in mine and tried to ignore the butterflies rushing through my stomach. It was probably just me being nervous about losing.

"Ready, set, go!" I heard someone sat behind me, and I pressed against his palm. My strength overpowered him for a few seconds, and I saw it in his face.

"I don't think so, Ventura," he growled, pressing back even harder. I struggled to keep my ground, and I squeezed his hand until mine hurt. I almost had him down on the table, but my elbow slipped, and he nearly broke my arm with how fast he threw it down on his side.

"Hah!" he exclaimed, standing up and hugging one of his friends. I felt a little cheated, but I shrugged it off. I was so caught up in his happiness, I forgot what my punishment was.

"Now," he smirked, walking close to me. I took one step backwards, feeling everyone's eyes on us.

"On the cheek," I said sternly, tapping the corresponding body part.

"Sure," he smiled, rolling his eyes. I let him lean closer to me, and the only mistake I made was closing my eyes.

His lips pressed to mine instead of my cheek, and I tried to push away, only succeeding for a few seconds. His arms pulled me back, and I heard him sigh against me. The crowd around us hooted and hollered.

Something rose in the pit of my stomach, some feeling that I had never felt before.

I pushed off of him for good, giving him wide eyes. I exhaled a few times as he looked to me for an answer.

"Not bad, Horan," I smirked, making everyone laugh happily. He shrugged, laughing.

"Let's try it again sometime," he winked.



thanks to AmandaVentura9 for requesting this! I hope you liked it and sorry for the wait!

thanks for reading! please leave a comment of what you thought. if you would like an imagine, let me know in the comments as well.

I love you guys! i have lots of writing to do xD

Mel x

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