Chapter 1

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Everything was dark, I could hear voices vaguely in the distance. My chest had felt as if it was on fire, making it hard for me to breathe. Soon I could hear voices getting louder and louder, before I knew it I was Seeing blurry bright lights shining in my face. My vision was now clearing up and I could see a few random strangers dressed in blue scrubs surrounding me. before I could decipher anything more my vision went blurry again and I blacked out.


When I awoke again I was in a different room this time and attached to many machines. The room was empty and I had no idea how I got here, I don't remember anything from the night before besides finishing up my last table at work.

Suddenly the door opened and in came a girl with blonde hair, she was wearing light blue scrubs and her hair was pulled up in a bun. It didn't take me long to realize she was one of the people I saw last night. She had a binder with a bunch of papers clutched to her chest. She looked up at me with a slightly surprised look


she greets, as one of her hands moves down into her pocket, pulling out a black box. She clicked the side of it before giving me a warm smile. As I peak over her spotting a name tag...

'Sarah Evans'

"How did I get here?"

I asked slightly confused as my brain continues to block any form of memory from last night.
"You were brought here after you went into cardiac arrest we had to revive you."

she said calmly, I couldn't comprehend what she just said as I let in a deep gasp of air.
Before I could say anything else The door was opening again and a man burst through the door. He was wearing navy blue scrubs I couldn't help but notice how handsome he was. With his brown curly locks and his emerald green eyes. He looked over to Sarah and then proceed to walk next to my bedside.

"I see you've finally woken up sleeping beauty, I'm Dr. Styles"

he smiled as he pulled out his stethoscope putting it on my chest to listen to my heartbeat. I was too mesmerized by his looks that I didn't reply. He let out a chuckle before moving the stethoscope to my back. I take the chance to look as his very fit and muscular body, he smelled of a deep forest pine that drove my senses wild.

"Do you remember what happened?"

He asked, throwing me out of my train of thought. I pause and try and think back to the moment before I was here, but Once again everything was a blur.

"No, I don't,"

I slump wanting nothing but to remember but it almost hurt my brain thinking about it. He looked over to Sarah again and she started to write something down into the binder.

"How long have I been out?"

I ask curiously as I figured it was only for the night. Dr. Styles looks at me and says

"you've been out for about 4 days since you got here."

My body goes into shock and I look at them both dumbfounded by the sudden predicament I was in. Four days?! There's no possible way I could be out that long!

I've had anxiety attacks before and I could feel myself getting one as it became harder and harder to breathe. My chest was tightening and I felt my airway being restricted.

Dr. Styles suddenly got up and rushed to my side he put an oxygen mask over my mouth and told me to breathe.

I started to feel moisture build up in my eyes as this all became too much too fast.

"Calm down Laura, I know it's a lot to take in but you need to calm down"

He says in the softest tone while stroking my back gently. I could feel myself relax almost instantly as he continues to say encouraging words of support.

After a few minutes I feel myself relax and I pull the mask off as I slump backwards on the stuff hospital bed I was placed on.

"Feeling better?"

He asked and I nod my head shyly as I feel slightly embarrassed they had to witness my weak side.

I look to Sarah as she pulls out a syringe and I nearly slap it out of her hand as she walks up to me.

"Whoa whoa it's alright, she's just giving you a small injection of morphine, your body is still healing so this will help with the pain"

Harry soothes while grabbing my arms and keeping them from hitting the syringe out of Sarah's hand. I let out another breath and close my eyes as I feel a slight pinch from the needle.

I never liked them, they remind me too much of horrible memories.

I open my eyes once I feel the sharp object leave my body and I blush as Dr. Styles hands felt warm against my iced skin.

"T-thank you"

I stutter giving them both a small smile as he moves to get up.

Before he could respond a loud beeping filled the room as he pulled out a black box identical to Sarah's and sighs.

"I have to go but I will be back most likely tomorrow to get more tests done. Watch over her stats will you?"

He says to Sarah as he turns to exit the room.

"Will do"

Sarah responds, writing a few more things down in the binder.

As the door shuts she looks up at me and smiles.

"So... lets get to know each other better what do you say?"

I pick a my nails nervously as I hated socializing. I was never good at it.

This was going to be a long night...

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