Chapter 2

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 Once I got the chance to get to know Sarah I realized we were very similar. I actually felt very comfortable around her which normally rarely happens because I tend to not trust people much, I didn't have the best past, and certain memories still haunt me to this day. But nonetheless, she was a really nice and overall funny person to talk to.

We only ended up talking for about an hour before she was called into another case which is understandable. I was left alone in my quiet room but it gave me a chance to observe the room around me, it was a fairly big room filled with lots of medical machines. It also had a glass door so I could see outside, there were two chairs beside my bed along with a T.V. on the wall in front of me.  

some random news channel was playing but I was too caught up in my thoughts to pay attention. Sarah gave me a little info on basically what happened to me again and I still couldn't believe I went into a cardiac arrest. I never had any problems medically in my life so to say I was scared was an understatement.  

I don't even think I did anything too drastic for this to be caused but my memory is still blank. The door clicking open brings me out of my thoughts and I let in a deep breath as Dr. Styles curls pop through. 

"Hello Love, How are you feeling?" 

He asked gently and my face heats up as he calls me "love" with his deep British accent. 

"I'm Okay... how are you"

shyly reply and he leans against my bedside. He was now wearing a white overcoat that States his full name...

'Harry styles'

as if he couldn't get any more perfect. 

"I'm wonderful"

He winked playfully and my throat goes dry. 

"So I am here to take you to get some tests done, Your heart is sounding a little irregular so I would like to see what exactly is causing this. Do you have a family history of Heart disease or failure?" 

He states and I am forced to think of my awful mother 

"You're pathetic!" 

"you're a nuisance"

I shake my head at the vivid voice and lets out a broken sigh. 

"I don't know... whatever family I had is dead"  

I say with no emotion because it was true. My so-called 'mother" overdosed on heroin when I was a teenager and my father was killed in prison. Not as if he was in my life before that. 

Harry's face falls and he almost looks apologetic like everyone else when I tell them this story. 

"I'm sorry about that Laura, No worries well figure it out soon enough" 

He beams and I return his smile. 

"Let's get going shall we?"


I nervously fiddled my thumbs as Harry wheels me through the hospital floors. I had already finished a Blood test and was now going to get an MRI. Harry did most of the talking as he explained how he became a surgeon and some cool stories of crazy stuff that went down over the years. 

"Whats do you think is wrong?"

I ask as he helps me onto the table for the MRI. He had just finished going through the procedure of the MRI and I was left with nothing but my anxiety.  

"There could be many possibilities, anywhere from a simple Electrolyte imbalance to coronary heart disease." 

He admits and my heart sinks, I honestly can't handle if I had a heart problem. I was too young for this. I still had a life to live. Harry seemed to know what I was thinking and he placed his hand over mine

"Whatever it is... it will be alright. Youll get through this Laura"

He sounded so sincere I actually believed his words. 

"T-thank you"

I stutter and he nods his head before moving back so I could lay still. He exits the room and enters the glass room in front of me before a ringing fills the room and he was speaking through a mic. 

"Alright Laura just lay still, this will only take a few minutes"

He states and I let in a deep breath and freeze my movements. I feel the table jolt before I was slowing entering the small constricted area of the Scanner. It was kind of scary but I tried thinking of different things to keep my mind occupied. 

before long I was moving back out of the MRI scanner. Harry joined back after a few more minutes as I spotted him looking at the computer screen intently. 

I wanted to ask but I figured he would tell me as soon as he knew. 

"wasn't so bad was it?"

He chuckled as I lift myself up again. I smile and shake my head as I am placed in the wheelchair again. I was very weak from recent events so I couldn't walk properly quite yet. 

"Not bad at all"

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