Friendship and the opposite of friendship

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Aang had just finished telling us Roku's story. His friendship with Fire Lord Sozin, the start of this war. Roku's death.

"You mean after all Roku and Sozin went through together... even after Roku showed him mercy, Sozin betrayed him like that?" Katara's disbelief was plain on her face.

"Hey, it seems to run in the family," Mogui said bitterly. "Remember Amaya? How she was friends with his great-grandson, the estimable Prince Zuko."

Mogui spat the last part.

"It's like these people are born bad," Toph agreed.

"No, that's wrong," Aang said, shaking his head.

"Um, let me just remind you, Amaya and Roku?" Mogui said in disbelief.

"I don't think that Roku showed me all that to just decide the Fire Nation was irredeemable," Aang shook his head sadly. "I don't think that was the point at all."

"Then what was the point?" Sokka scratched his head with confusion.

"I see," Muteki said, nodding slowly. "Roku was just as much Fire Nation as Sozin. They grew up together and even celebrated their birthdays together. They were basically brothers."

"And he turned on him!" Mogui reiterated.

"But Roku was still Fire Nation," I added.

"Exactly," Aang grinned at Mut and me. "If anything, this story just proves that anyone is capable of great good and great evil."

Mog shook his head slightly, then turned to Mangetsu.

"Hey, short-stack, you've been really quiet," he said. "Got anything to add to the conversation?"

Mangetsu was sitting a small distance away, close enough to hear everything. He had a deep frown on his face like he was trying to puzzle out something.

"Do you know what the saddest thing about betrayal is?" he looked up at the nearest volcano. "It never comes from your enemies."

"But that doesn't mean-"

"I'm not saying that we should treat certain people differently because of where they come from," Mangetsu cut off Aang. "Everyone deserves to be treated with respect, Fire Nation, Earth Kingdom, Water Tribe, wherever you come from. I'm just saying, the ones you keep closest can hurt you a lot worse than any enemy, but that doesn't mean you need to cut the world off and shut yourself away to avoid getting hurt."

"Life is pain," Mog shrugged. "Anyone trying to say differently is trying to sell you something."

"Eh," Mangetsu shrugged and looked back at the group. "Point is, I don't think this little trip was about good versus evil so much as it was about the shades of grey."

"And friendship," Aang said cheerfully.

"Do you really think friendships can last more than one lifetime?" Toph said softly.

"I don't see why not," Aang said, taking Toph's hand.

Katara did the same, and soon everyone was holding hands except Mangetsu and Sokka.

"Um, Man?" I said, waving my empty hand in his face.

"Yes, mom," he rolled his eyes but grinned anyway as he took Katara's hand.

"Well, scientifically speaking, there is no way to prove that...-"

"Oh, Sokka," Katara cut off Sokka's rambling. "Just hold hands."

Sokka hesitated for less than a second before grabbing Mangetsu's other hand, looking slightly pleased with himself.

We all stared out over the ocean, the sun peeking over the horizon with a warm golden glow. Mangetsu blinked as if he had seen something, but before I could ask him about it, he sighed heavily.

"So... this is awkward...."

Muteki snorted, and Mogui attempted to stifle his own giggles before the two were in hysterics. I also found myself trying to keep it together while the others gave in. Before long, we were all laughing except Mangetsu.

"Did we have to keep holding hands through all this?"

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