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*A night inside the school can prove to be more terrifying than ever!*

You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead. It reads, "The Fright Zone"

Izzy was seen walking down a dark corridor, similar to ones you see at schools. Her hair was done in a tight bun tied with a black ribbon. She wore a black dress with a laced bottom, black flats, and white gloves. In her mouth was a candy corn flavored lollipop.
"The school building, home to homework, school bullies, and murder?" She narrates, looking at the audience. "Yes, you heard me correctly; murder. How can such a prison for children hosts it's own murder story? You might be surprised, my dear readers, of what events have transpired here in years past."

She continued to walk down the corridor, a lone light flickering on and off to illuminate her path. Her eyes wandered as they counted the number of classrooms until she stopped at one labeled Room 113.
"It was here in this classroom where a seemingly normal student was just minding her own business before her life was tragically cut short. Some say that the teacher suddenly snapped at her, others say that she was caught in an unfortunate accident. Whatever the tale, she died gruesomely and brutally."
Izzy turned her attention back to the camera, her face grim. "You're probably wondering why I brought you all here tonight. Well this story isn't about the murdered girl, well she's somewhat in it, but this is a story about the cutest robots and the brightest children being locked in school for an entire night and trying to find their way out. On another side note, they have to solve a mystery that may scar them for the rest of their lives."
"I dub the name of this story...Lockdown!"
"Megatron....why do you make it so easy for me to hate you, but love how great your penmanship is!"
Davina was at her desk, the children were outside playing for recess. This teacher was considered the hottest teacher in school and could woo the pants off any male. While she was the prettiest teacher in the school, she had a hatred for one of her students in particular; Megatron. The snot nosed brat answered all her questions right, did the extra credit assignments without asking, and turned in the best essay she'd ever seen.

Probably wondering why she hates him right?

He was a smug, sarcastic, and annoying child that always looked down at her! He would always prove her wrong, made her look like an idiot, and then make the class laugh at her embarrassment! And the worse thing about it was that he was never bragging about his accomplishments and yet his eyes told her the whole story. No matter what she did, he would never respect her for being a teacher.

This could not be! How dare he make her feel like a fool!

Instead of giving him an A on a paper that clearly deserved it's credit, she scribbled a large F instead. Perhaps a bit of failure might make him back down and show him who was boss. Yes, that sounded great! And why stop there? Why not make him stay after-school to make it up for her! Ooh what a delightfully devilish plan indeed!
"Megatron, once I have broken you down, we'll see who will be laughing!" Davina cackled, a evil glint in her eyes.
"Eh Megatron, how about after school we go to the fight club to train?"
"I rather not, we have that paper due on Monday and I don't want to fight that wicked witch anymore than I should."
Megatron was walking down the pathway back to their classrooms with his siblings and their new friends of the Glitter Room. Even after he beat him up in the cafeteria, Marion had become one of his closest friends. The schoolyard bully had been shocked that he got beat by a new kid and he wanted revenge on him. But seeing him with his family made him soften a bit and try to become friends with the young mech. Although he still was wary about the unusual mech, he still held him with great respect.

"Wow Megatron, you're actually going to do the report on time huh?" Arcee joked, getting an eye roll from the mech. "With a teacher like Miss Davina, she would probably kill you or something."
"Can a teacher really kill a student?" Bee asked, getting a bit scared.
"Teachers can't kill their students unless they go crazy and wield an axe to cut them up into pieces!" Smokescreen leaped on his shoulders, making him jump in fright.
"Are you scared Bee? You should because there's a story about that!" Midnight appeared behind him, making him scream. "I should know because the Occult Club knows all the legends that go on in the school!"
"We have an Occult Club in this school? How uncouth!" Julie scoffed, holding onto Knockout a bit more. "B-B-But what is this story?"
Damien chuckled at the scared face on the popular girl. "If you're just scared at the story, then we shouldn't tell you."

The group laughed while the flustered face of Julie glared at him. The group said goodbye to Marion as he went down his hallway and headed to their classroom. When they got to the door, they saw the face of Davina creepily smiling down at them. Before any of them could ask, she flashed a paper at Megatron. He recognized it as his essay paper that he had worked on the entire weekend. Missing out on the pumpkin bash that happened at school for it.
"Hello Davina, what's wrong with my prized winning paper?" He said smugly, knowing good and well what would happen next.
"You....FAILED!" Davina said, smacking the paper right in his hands. "Megatron, meet me after school for detention!"

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