Breaking the Case

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"Are you kids going to be alright ok your own? The library is supposed to be closed."

Penny had agreed to drive her kids, Ultra Magnus, and Tanya to the blocked off library. Although her maternal senses were tingling, she trusted that Optimus would keep them safe. After all, trust works both ways.

"We will be fine carrier. The team just needs to investigate the premises for clues." Optimus said, getting nods from the rest of them. "It should only take us a few hours."

"It's 2:30 now, but I have to be home by 5. Thanks again Miss Drake for driving me home." Tanya thanked the matriarch of her friends.

Penny waved her hand, smiling. "It's the least I can do since you get along so well with Optimus. You kids be careful out there." She unlocked the car door as they toppled out. "And Mags, please don't tell your mother that I let you go inside a condemned building. The last thing I need is for her to knock down my door and scream in my face about how I am irresponsible."

Ultra Magnus nodded. "You have my word Auntie."

The group stood at the steps of the library, faces full of confidence. This was it, they were going to go and investigate the premises. Tanya pulled out her flashlight and clicked it on.

"Alright everyone, let's go over the plan. Soundwave, hack the computers to get into the surveillance system. Starscream, you take the skies and see what you can find. Magnus, check the ground to find any clues. Optimus and I will look around the front. We will come back and converge in an hour or so." Tanya instructed before walking off in another direction. "See you then!"

The others looked at Optimus who was smiling at Tanya in an endearing manner.

"She does make a good leader.  Perhaps both of you will lead a group of kids one day." Starscream teased, getting a blush out of the Autobot leader. "I see the way you look at her. I wouldn't be surprised if you started dating in high school!"

"Leave him alone Starscream. Can't you see your making him even more flustered!" Magnus pointed out. "He and Tanya are far too young to be dating anyways!"

"I never said it wouldn't happen though."

Optimus left them before they made any other part of his face bright blue.


Soundwave walked to the front desk and saw the main computer used for the head librarian. He used his tentacles to shimmy on the chair, almost falling off when he realized it was a spinny chair. Positioning himself in a more comfortable manner, he ejected Lazerbeak. The drone chirped and stood on the monitor while Soundwave hacked into the computer.

I need to find something that would help with this mystery, otherwise I am stuck using the same laptop at home where Bumblebee watches those Minecraft videos and Megatron likes to play World of Warcraft. He rolled his optics behind his mask. Or have to look at Knockout's beauty tips and Starscream's video logs.

The computer hummed to life as he started to work his magic. Maybe he would find the security footage of what happened that evening.


Magnus looked at the toppled bookshelves with an inquisitive look on his face. He took out his briefcase and opened it up to reveal his Junior Detective Kit. Taking out the magnifying glass, he looked for clues.

While searching for evidence, Master Detective Ultra Magnus used his highly effective Holmes method of training. Sherlock Magnus was a serious fellow with a pension for the finer things in life. But right now he was helping a poor man with his broken library cases. He stopped, seeing something unusual in the pile of books. With his tweezers, he plucked what appeared to be a piece of oily black hair. Great Scott! He found a clue! Truly Master Detective Ultra Magnus was the greatest mind of his generation! But whom did the hair belong to?

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