Penny's Little Sister! New Bots Too!

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*This school cutie is Megara "Meg" Drake, the youngest sister of Penny! Enjoy her chapter!*

Bonjour to you, my wonderful fans!

I am Megara Drake, nice to make your acquaintances. For those of you who don't know, I am the youngest sister of the Drake family. Penny is my second eldest sister and our oldest will be revealed soon. You probably wanna know where I've been hiding out in the story? Well to tell you the truth, I've been studying abroad in Paris!

You see, long ago Penny, our older sister, and I used to be really close until mother had this bright idea to send me to study abroad to expand my horizons outside our hometown. I was so afraid to leave everyone behind, knowing it could be years before I see them again. Penny assured me to go and see the world since she wanted to teach at the local school when she graduated. My eldest sister didn't take it too well and she left us when she graduated and disappeared. We still have no idea where she is to this day. Mother said she just left without a note and packed up her whole room. So the day I went to study at the Còllege Dupoint, I hugged her, father, Penny, and even little Izzy came to wish me luck! I wanted to say farewell to her cute older brother, but he was with his friends. The jerk...

Oh am I rambling? Pardon moi! So anyways, I went to study to become a fashion designer and pastier. So many designs and foods to eat in that lovely country. But now, I have returned home to visit Penny and surprise her by staying for the Thanksgiving holiday! Boy will she be surprised to see me! I wonder how much she's changed?
Megara stood stiff in front of the Drake estate, her suitcase in her hands. She was sweating profusely, her face almost drenched. Her hands were shaking, her mouth was dry, and her thoughts were going a mile a minute. This was it, all she had to do was knock on the door.

"Nope! I can't do this!" She exclaimed, holding her head with her hands. "Penny probably doesn't even want to see me! She probably thinks I am a stuck up French girl with a snobbish fashion sense! Maybe I should leave and go to mom's house. She'll take me in!" Nodding her head, she turned around.... see Izzy standing there with a shocked look on her face.

The girl looked way older in Meg's opinion. Her pink hair was a definite change to her normal look. The ribbons were now orange and gold, to signify fall. Today she was wearing a white sweater, black jeans, and black boots. A lollipop hung lazily out of her mouth, almost threatening to fall. The teen squealed as she hugged the young adult tightly, slightly choking her in the process.

"OMG! MEG, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" She screamed, hugging the Parisian girl. "I haven't seen you since I was little! You look so old now! Are you in college yet? Did you become a famous fashion designer? Do you own a bakery? DETAILS PLEASE!" Izzy shook the poor girl on the shoulder, making Megara nauseous. 

"Izzy, please stop doing this." Meg said gently, peeling her off. "I just came back for a visit, but I'm too scared to even walk in the door. I haven't seen my sister in years, and now I show up out of the blue. What if she's mad at me or doesn't even want to see my face?" 

"Meg, you know that isn't true! Penny loves you very much! She hasn't seen you in years and now you have to make amends with her!" Izzy pushed her back towards the door. "Now go in there and tell her how you feel! You have got to stop thinking those negative thoughts. That's what taints pretty girls like you!"

Megara blushed red at that comment. "What?"

Izzy started to blush too. "You know what I mean! Go talk to your sister!'"

"No! You can't make me go in there!" Megara started to struggle a bit, avoiding the door handle at all cost.

The commotion outside was so loud that the bots and cons started to wake up grouchy. Megatron growled as he tossed his pillow at Ratchet, who muttered in his sleep. Arcee yawned and rubbed her optics. Starscream stretched his wings out. Knockout rolled off the bed and landed on the ground with a loud THUD! Smokescreen was kicking Bee in his sleep, making the yellow scout push him farther away from him. Soundwave's screen showed the classic Windows screen savers, Lazerbeak curled up beside him. Bulkhead and Breakdown were cuddling with each other. 

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