Trials of the Decepticons

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*Temptress, the right hand woman of the Grim Reaper, she will be the one to test the Decepticons!*

I can sense their presences!

​​​​​​Ooh! I'm so excited! Today my master is getting wedded to a wonderful woman with a golden soul while the children strive to rescue her! It seems like the perfect rescue story complete with character development, shocking revelations, and a plot twist!


Oh sorry, I had a moment there. But I have a plan for them. It's to die for!

The screams could be heard through the different levels of the underworld.

Megatron noticed the different colors of the fires of Hades as they continued to fall. Starscream tried to stabilize himself along with Dreadwing. Soundwave recorded their fall. Knockout screamed his helm off with a pained expression on his face.

Only Breakdown remained calm, feeling his cheek. Sera had kissed him...and he liked it. A girl had never been this interested in him. They would usually give him looks on his missing eye. The only ones who accepted him was his family and the Dark Magic club. Sera may be blind, but she saw the goodness inside him that no one could see. Perhaps that's why she liked him, he wasn't like any other guy. She said his soul was beautiful. If he could see this side of her more, he would be so happy.

"Thinking of someone?" Megatron asked him as they fell down further. "Is it perhaps that beautiful girl from the house you brought us here?"

"Huh? No way!" Breakdown blushed a bit. "Sera is just a friend. We have the same club and physical education."

"C'mon Breaky, we all know that you have a thing for that blind girl!" Knockout teased, poking him.

"Knockout: Needs to stop. Breakdown: Likes Sera." Soundwave said, his face showing hearts.

"Can we stop talking about crushes and lovey-dovey stuff? I see the end approaching." Starscream said, pouting.

They landed on the ground, the sound of crackling bones underneath their peds. The area was cold and dark. A large river laid in front of them, glowing souls drifting in the murky waters. Breakdown recognized this to be the River Styx. He remembered reading the Greek myth book that he got from the library and seeing that.

"Guys, we made it to the Underworld." He told his brothers. "Penny should be in the palace of the dead. The way to get there will be treacherous, but we have to get her back." He gestured at the river. "This is the River Styx, where the ferryman Charon comes to pick up fallen souls."

"No problem. We can just fly across!" Starscream put out, fluttering his wings.

"Except that Knockout and Breakdown can't fly." Dreadwing said.

"And that's my problem..."

"Starscream we are not leaving anyone behind." Megatron snarled, making the seeker cower a bit. "We need another way across."

"Breakdown said the ferryman could carry us across." Knockout looked out at the horizon. "We just have to wait for the boat to come."

No sooner had the words spilled from his mouth did the image of a slow moving boat come into existence. The long pole dipped in the waters as the hunched over figure of Charon became noticeable. The cons all gulped at the creepy sight, seeing the hands of the victims that had fallen in the River Styx clawing at the edges of the boat.

"Way to go K.O, now we have to ride in the creepy boat with the scary man." Starscream shivered, the others agreeing.

"I wonder how I should kill the little darlings."

A woman watched the little cons get onto the boat with a cruel smile on her face. Her silver hair was pulled up into a ponytail, her long nails twirling around a couple of strands. Her outfit was slutty and sinful, consisting of a skimpy black top, black underwear, fishnet stockings, and short black boots. On her back, eight black wings were curled around her pale body. Her red eyes twinkled with amusement and wickedness.

"They really are precious. It would break my master's heart to see them die." She smashed the crystal ball that she watched them out of. "BUT I DON'T CARE WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM! I'LL MAKE THEM DIE PAINFULLY!"

She coughed, feeling the mood swings kicking in. "Well since they are young, I'll allow them to make their way towards the palace, but I shall put them through grueling trials to test them! After all, I am a malevolent being."


"Thanks again Mister Charon!"

Charon waved at the small children, sadden to see their alive bodies get crushed by the negative spirit of the Underworld. The cons walked around a bit until they approached a large iron gate.

"Here we are, the gates of the palace of the Grim Reaper." Breakdown said.

"How do you know this is it?" Knockout asked.

"Sera made me a map. It's like she's been here or something."

Megatron stepped forward, only to take a step back. "There's something here, watching us."

"I think she told me that there was a guardian to keep intruders-"


A large figure loomed over the group, snarling noises coming from all directions. From the shadows, a gigantic dog came from the shadows. But not only was there one head, but three heads! His middle head snapped at them while the other two just growled. Starscream and Knockout screamed and cowered behind Megatron. Megatron looked ready to fight along with Dreadwing pulled out his sword. Breakdown looked up in awe at the magnificent creature.

"Out...well I guess you've met Cerberus now." He finished, rolling up the map. "We should run now."

When suddenly, Soundwave stepped forward and stood in front of the large dog. Cerberus leaned over and was about to snap his helm off when Soundwave's screen emitted a frequency that made the heads whimper. He then walked to pat his snouts, making the dog's tail wag rapidly. The other heads moved in to get some of the action, causing Soundwave to bring out his tentacles to pat the heads. The large dog was practically enamoured by how kindhearted the small bot was.

"Huh, Penny was right about Soundwave being great with animals." Megatron observed, watching the malicious dog reduced to a obedient pup.

"Indeed Soundwave had gotten us pass the dog." Dreadwing said as they all walked pass the dog into the lair of the Grim Reaper.

Soundwave gave Cerberus one last pat before walking inside. The three headed dog whimpered at this, but waited for him to come back.

"Wait what? How the hell did they get pass Cerberus?" Temptress blanched out as she watched the crystal. "So much for ripping them to shreds."

"Temptress, are the brats dead yet?" The spooky voice of her employer came from behind her. Temptress shivered a bit before gulping a reply.


"Are they giving my most faithful servant a hard time?"

"Of course not sir, I will make sure to get rid of them before you can say the vows."

"I'll hold you on that. I would like my wedding to go without trouble."

Temptress could feel the presence of his evil form vanish before releasing a sharp breath. If there was one thing she feared, it was angering her boss. Those brats were driving her insane! She needed a plan to separate them all.

Wait a minute....

A grin slowly etched onto her face as her eyes swirled.

"I need to kill them off individually!"

Life is like a hurricane! I can't believe that this story isn't finished! I'll need to start a new story before I finish this one.

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