Put Your Brakes On!

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*Finally found a cute picture of baby Soundwave a.k.a Slendy!*

Penny blamed karma for making her suffer so much. She wanted to find karma, re-arrange its face, then kill it with fire for the mess she had to go through today.

She now regrets saying what she said about it being easy and junk.

How could she forget that her cutie pie bots were the worst at sneaking around due to their metal frames and glowing optics. At this point, she might as well put the word "duh" on every inch of her body and drown in it!

But right now wasn't the moment. She would have to deal with this later. For now, she needed to find the rest of the children and get home in one piece.

Megatron watched as Penny recovered the rest of the team whilst avoiding the guards around every corner. He was impressed that she could sneak around any corner, making sharp turns and quick movements. His admiration towards Penny was growing as well as accepting the fact that she was now his carrier or mother in a sense. His spark leapt in his chest at the prospect of her finding him and showering him with hugs and kisses like she did the others. He looked over at Soundwave, who was fooling around with the master controls once more. Megatron guessed he was trying to turn the lights back on.

Footsteps were heard as the door to the control room opened widely. A young man walked inside with a serious expression on his face. Megatron quickly grabbed Soundwave and dragged him underneath the table. The silent mech watched the young man go towards the master controls.

"Well here's the problem, someone smashed the main controls." The man said, whistling loudly at the damage. "They seem to be trained on...wait is that a lady and her kids? I thought we evacuated the store?"

Megatron almost facepalmed himself when he realized he had trained the cameras on Penny! He hoped that she wouldn't get in trouble for his grave mistake. The young man got out his tool kit as he trained his eyes on Penny. He had to admit; the lady was pretty cute.

"Not a bad view on the screen at all. I wonder if she's single." He thought aloud, a smile sneaking on his face. "Love those curves and hair color."

Soundwave heard Megatron growl silently behind him as his fists started to clench. "Soundwave, eliminate this pest for trying to watch our carrier." He said quietly, red eyes burning with rage.

Soundwave happily obliged as his long tentacles wrapped around the legs of the young man before tripping him upwards. The man yelped as he flew forwards and hit his head on the door. Seeing the distraction, they ran from the room to end up on the main floor of the store. Megatron grinned as he and Soundwave went to look for Penny.

Penny tiptoed around the different sections of the store as the rest of Transformers followed behind her. It had been ten minutes since she had found some of them. Four more were missing and the store was still pitch black. It would take a miracle to find a way out!

"Okay guys, we need to find some way to bypass the guards, save the rest of our family, and still make it back home in one piece!" Penny sighed loudly as she saw the blank expressions given to her. "I know I'm repeating myself! But if you understand me, try to come up with a plan to help me out here."

At first she thought they would keep giving her blank expressions, but then she saw Optimus beeping at the others. They all nodded and gave her an understanding look. Penny took a second to understand what just happened before smiling softly.

"Alright here's the plan and it will involve your vehicle forms."

"I guess there's no one else here."

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