Comedy of Errors

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*Another Baby Bumblebee pic! Now with a cute sweet!*

"Okay, I know for fairly certain that this is a terrible idea."

Penny had one "duh" moment after another in her life, but this one definitely took the cake. Her car was a small Toyota Venza, bronze in color and small in size. She also had twelve small alien children who were certainly going to need car seats to be able to get into this car. But she really noticed that she would have to make some space for all of them to fit in. That itself was a challenge as all of them wanted to sit up front with her.

She rubbed her temples in exasperation. What had gone wrong today?

The bots and cons took one look at her car and started to waddle around it, searching every inch, nook, and cranny. Knockout was disappointed that she didn't own a nice red car, so he pouted the whole ride. Breakdown and Bulkhead had found some of her card games and were tossing them up in the air. Arcee was surprised at all the books at the back of the car. Ratchet was working with the locks, finding a way to turn the child safety locks on. Smokescreen and Bumblebee started to hop in the seats of the car while Megatron sat in the front. Soundwave fooled around with the GPS, making it talk in different languages. Starscream started to screech at Dreadwing for crossing over his side of the car. Only Optimus was sitting calmly in her lap as she drove them towards the General Store down the street. Penny could only smile as he patted her knee.

"Thanks Small Leader, you really know how to cheer me up in these times." Penny whispered to him, making Optimus beam in delight. Optimus wouldn't admit it, but he really enjoyed being a sparkling again. Being the Prime was hard work for him, but spending time with the human called Penny was making him feel calmer and more wanting to help the poor woman. Besides, she was the one who adopted all of them.

The car pulled into a parking lot as Penny struggled to park the car. She had always been one to struggle with parking. When she started out driving, she had her father almost cuss at how horrible her parking skills were. Successfully parking the car, she unbuckled herself and Optimus.

"Alright you guys, when we get into the store, I need you to be on your best behavior." She gave them all a stern look as they al got out of the car. "No touching anything, no begging for anything, don't talk to strangers, keep weapons hidden, and for goodness sake keep out of trouble!" She added pleadingly. "I really don't want to explain to the authorities why my robot babies were jumping around the store."

They all nodded at her, making Penny feel a bit less stressed. Grabbing Optimus' hand, she lead a long line of bots who held the Prime's hand. She could only laugh at the long line of cute bots that trailed behind her, looking similar to ducks following their mother. The sliding doors of the store opened to reveal rows and rows of retail. All optics sparkled with excitement as Penny went to retrieve a shopping cart with Optimus and Ratchet. The second they came back, all of the bots had dispersed throughout the store.

Penny felt her heart skip a beat when she realized she neglected to keep a watchful eye on her children. Her mother would freakin kill her for doing something so stupid and foolish. Ratchet noticed a spike in her internal nerves and beeped curiously at her. Penny looked down at him and a prime before lifting them both up and placing them in the cart.

"I need to find them all! I can't believe I did that!" She told them, pushing the cart around different aisles. "KIDS! WHERE ARE YOU?"

With Knockout and Breakdown...

A group of women were talking in the makeup section, gossiping about the latest town gossip. They were so in tune with their chat session that they didn't notice the small red bot and his one eyed companion walk down. Knockout was determined to find himself some red paint to fix his paint job and something cute for Penny while he was at it. Breakdown tagged along because he wanted to find a gift for Penny as well.

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