Warrior of Light

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Penny opened her eyes and looked around.
Darkness....all she saw was darkness. The cold, unforgiving mass of darkness surrounded her, the tendrils of inky black wrapping around her body, touching her, making her feel uncomfortable. She closed her eyes to block out the voices in her head, the voices that surrounded her. Where had she ended up? Who was that person in the mirror? Why had she dragged her to this place? She figured that this was it, her final curtain call. The end of an existence of pure torment.
She placed her hands on the side of her head and started to breath hard. Her heart palpitated from each breath as her fear increased. What had she done to earn such a fate like this? Was it because she adopted those kids? Was it because she helped all those people? Was it because she didn't cry at her own father's funeral? Was this a result of the heartache she felt when she saw the boy she loved in the arms of another? When her sister left for school, leaving her alone with their mother?
Yes...this is all your fault...you live to make others around you suffer....
Penny opened her dull eyes to see the mirror version of her smirking down at her defeated form. The mirror Penny picked her up from her hair and grinned down at her.
Poor little Penelope...always hiding behind that smile of yours...always helping others....always thinking about someone else other than you...The doppelganger gripped harder on her hair, making her cry out in agony. You didn't have to take those kids in! You didn't have to witness your family falling apart. I think you should make them all pay for what they brought into your life! You deserved better than whatever they could've given you.
"No...I'm happy with the life I was given." Penny said hesitate to answer more. "I love my children, I love my sisters, I forgiven the ones who transpired against me."
Mirror Penny growled as she tossed her on the inky black ground. How dare you lie to me! I am you, you can't lie to yourself! I'm that darkness inside you, the one thing you can't ever escape from. Let the darkness consume your soul, let me take control!
"NO! PLEASE STOP!" Penny pleaded, feeling the stinging force of darkness hurt her body, mind, and soul. She wheezed out, her eyes now swollen shut. "I WANT TO LIVE! HAVEN'T I SUFFERED ENOUGH!"
Mirror Penny smirked evilly. Oh really? Perhaps you want to go down memory lane?
Before Penny could stop her, she picked her up and threw her inside one of the mirrors around the area.
"Hi Percy! I wanted to thank you for the treats!"
A younger looking Penny smiled at the tall boy who stood in front of her. The boy had black hair, blue eyes, and wore punk looking clothing. His smile made her heart flutter as he erspped his arms around her small frame.
"Of course Penelope. You are my girlfriend after all."He kissed her forehead. "No matter what happens, I will never stop loving you."
"Why that no good jerk! How dare he break my big sister's heart!"
"Meg, we are supposed to be comforting her, not bringing up the fact that she was dumped by that horrendous boy."
Penny sniffled as she blew her nose. Gal rubbed soft circles around her back as she laid on her legs. Meg was feeding her ice cream while eating some herself. The sisters were shocked to hear that Percy cheated on Penny with Annabelle. He had kissed her right in front of Penny and the school. 
"He promised to love me forever! I can't believe he did that!"
"I got accepted! I get to study in Paris!"
"So you're going to just leave us? What happened to family first?"
Penny covered her ears and ran off to her room as she heard her sisters argue once more about Meg's new school she would be studying at. Not once did they consult her about how she felt.
"Penelope, your father is dead."
For once, the emotions didn't get to her. She stood in the cold rain, dressed in her funeral garb and a dull look in her eyes. The umbrella in her hands slipped out as she sunk to the ground. She tried to cry, but nothing came out. She was all alone, her sisters left her, her father was dead. The only person she could rely on was her mother.
Regina watched her daughter cry and dabbed her own tears with her black handkerchief. How was she going to comfort her middle child now?
"You must be the new teacher! Nice to meet you!"
Penny faked smiled at the busty beauty standing in front of her, feeling a bit jealous at the size of her breast. She had finally graduated college and was starting her career as a teach like she wanted to do for so long. The school she was selected to go and teach at was a small town elementary school in the middle of nowhere.
"I'm so glad that someone greeted me." Penny smiled at the woman. "My name is Miss Drake and you are?"
"They call me Davina and the teacher next to me is Phylla." The woman clapped her hands enthusiastically. "I can't believe we got a new female teacher! That makes three of us now in this grade!"
"T-T-Thank you for joining." Phylla stuttered, blushing at Penny.
"Well you are very welcome!" Penny laughed, feeling a spark of hope bubble within her.
"Miss Drake opened her house!"
"I want to go over and bake with her!"
"She's the best tutor we've ever had!"
Penny watched from the window of her home as the children were scattered around the front yard. Seeing all the children in the neighborhood playing in the yard made her smile slightly. Perhaps this town could get rid of the this dark feeling clinging to her heart.
A tugging motion made her look down to see the face of Izzy smiling. Her older brother stood next to her, grinning widely.
"Miss Drake, can we finger paint on the table? We'll clean it up!" Izzy promised, crossing her fingers.
"Of course Izzy! Just be careful with the paints! I don't want to have to clean up the mess again!" She reminded the siblings who ran off to work.
But was this something she wanted?
"All these bills....on a teacher's salary at that!"
Penny rubbed her temples as she looked at the scattered papers on her table. If she couldn't pay these bills, then she would surely be evicted. She couldn't ask her mother for anymore funds to pay either. She would have to get a second job.
Penny fell to the ground, darkness surrounding her body. Mirror Penny smirked, knowing that she won.
Fact is, you have been faking it your whole entire life. You were never happy about how things turned out. You were always smiling through the pain and didn't even cry at your own father's funeral. Mirror Penny shook her head. Why don't you do us a favor and just give in? I guarantee that you'll feel better if you let me take that last spark of hope from inside you. Let the darkness be the one to comfort you.
She reached out a hand to where Penny's heart was.
To her surprise, Penny swatted the hand away.
"You know what, you are right about one thing." Penny started to say, slowly rising her head. "My life hasn't been the picture of perfection."
Mirror Penny backed away as she rose, the darkness around her dissipating. A blue glow enveloped her body as her eyes glowed. Penny looked at her mirrored version and smiled softly.
"But even for every dark moment, there is a moment of peace, a moment in the light. If you aren't unhappy sometimes you don't know how to be happy." She walked forward, lifting her arms. "I take a little of the bad and a little of the good and make something new."
What are you doing? You're supposed to be consumed by darkness! You're supposed to be sad! Why...why are you smiling! Mirror Penny growled, trying to get away from her.
"All that stuff, no matter how it made me feel before, is exactly what I need to grow. Sure I've lost most of my family, but their memories will continue to live on in my heart. And they all came home eventually too. I've made decisions I'm not proud of and some that I regret. But between you and me, no one is perfect honey."
The mirrors started to break and crack around them as light started to show from all areas. Mirror Penny screamed as she began to fade away, her powers leaving her body. She tried to stop it, but found herself unable to. Turning around, she saw Penny standing there.
"To love is to be vulnerable; and it is only in vulnerability and risk—not safety and security—that we overcome darkness." Penny wrapped her arms around her darken self, hugging tightly. "Even if we are afraid, we must stand firm and face the darkness. Embrace the imperfections and accept the new beginning we get to do every time we learn a lesson."
Memories flooded her mind from all the things in her life that was good. She saw her baby sister being born and holding her close to her heart. She saw her happy days with Percy as they kissed and hugged. She vaguely remembered her father's smile, his vivid blue eyes shining down at her small form. All the children she taught giving her a gift at the end of the school year. The bots and cons making her home more loving and warm.
"Thank you for helping me see that my life isn't all bad." Penny whispered into her other half's ear. "You too might have some light within you for saving me from eternal darkness."
Mirror Penny looked at her human counterpart in surprise. Before she could vanish completely, she closed her eyes and smiled.
The world shifted around Penny as the glass from the mirrors swirled around her body, reflecting on the light that pulsed from her. Penny gazed in awe at the wonderful sight of glittering lights. Did she do all this? A warm feeling washed over her as she landed on the ground. A familiar buzz rung in her head as she closed her eyes and went into a prayer position.
My children....I am calling to you. Do not let the enemy deceive you. Break free from those chains that bind you and fight back!
And you won't believe what happens next!

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