Bedtime Bots

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*I love Baby Bumblebee! Nuff said for this picture!*

Penny smiled at the scene in front of her.

Since she didn't have a table big enough for all of them to sit at, she decided the best way to have all the bots in one area was to eat in the living room. Her only problem was going to be getting out all the oil in her carpet. But she would worry about that later, right now she would watch her sweeties beep among themselves as they drank their oil at her coffee table.

Penny herself had settled into her big chair with a cup of the cocoa she promised herself. Blowing it softly, she let the steam linger a bit to warm her insides. The bots watched her blow on her cup and looked down at their own cups. Suddenly, Penny was watching them try to blow non-existent steam from their cups. The action alone made her laugh.

"You guys know that your drinks aren't that hot right?" She asked them, not caring if they answered back at that point. She had started to realize that maybe these babies were more than meets the eye. A clinking noise was heard at the table as the one eyed bot knocked the green bot's cup over. The green one beeped angrily at the one eyed one as the latter tried to calm him down. It escalated to a hitting match between the two of them, both rolling on the floor. The blue helmet bot was about to break them up when Penny got up from her chair and walked towards he two. She picked them both up by the scruffs of their necks and sat them on the couch. Both of them were scared at the face she was giving them.

Sensing their discomfort, Penny gave a sigh before rubbing her temples. "So do you want to explain to me why you started to fight on the floor hmm?" She crossed her arms, getting on her knees to face them at eye level. "I know you can't reply at the moment, so let me explain. Eyeball didn't mean to knock your cup over Greenie. I saw him accidentally hit your cup with his elbow. Now I'm not angry at you, but I'm appalled that you would pick a fight with him for no reason."

Bulkhead beeped sadly and looked down from her disapproving gaze. He knew that picking a fight with Breakdown over a silly reason was wrong. The look that his new caretaker was giving him made him feel even more guilty. He didn't want to make her mad at him. Breakdown was shocked to find that their human caretaker was defending him. No one, but Knockout had ever defended him before! He felt a leap happening in his spark at her kindness. Now he was more determined to make her smile.

"Now," Penny took Bulkhead's servo and Breakdown's servo. "I want you two to apologize to each other. There's not a thing a grudge can do that an apology won't fix."

The rest of the autobots and decepticons watched her from the table, curious at what she was doing. She wasn't mad at them for fighting, but wanted them to make peace with each other. Optimus hummed in approval at her methods. He liked the way she thinked.

Penny sat there and waited for the two to shake hands and make up. Bulkhead begrudgingly held out his servo for Breakdown to shake, who accepted it wholeheartedly. Then the two were engulfed in one of Penny's bear hugs.

"Nice job, you two. Now can we keep the fighting to a minimal?" She asked them politely, knowing full and well there were going to be more down the line. But for now, the two were happy to receive one of her warm, loving hugs, going deeper into her chest. Both of them buzzed with pure happiness. She placed them back in their spots and gulped down the rest of her hot cocoa. 

"Alright then bots, time for me to go set up your bedroom. Can't have you sleeping in that awful box now can we?" She said, picking up all the discarded cups. All the babies were scattered around her room anyways. As she gathered the cups, the one with the screen for a face along with the other red and blue bot followed her into the kitchen. The red and blue bot waddled after her while Penny felt the screen faced one latch onto her back via tentacles. She turned around to see him looking like some kind of robot backpack.

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