A Thrilling Finale

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*The Grand Finale of the intertwining story lines have finally come! What happened to the cons? What will happen to the bots? What does Lenore have planned? Will Temptress succeed at killing the cons? So many questions! Warning, may contain scenes of graphic violence.*

This was it, the moment that Penny was dreading.

There she was, walking down the blood red carpet, pass the blackened wooden pews. Her face was stained with tears that made her black mascara run. Her lips were touched with red lipstick. She was wearing a ravishing white gown decorated with spiderweb and bone fragments. Her veil was placed over her crying face. Her hair was pulled up into a tight bun. Souls and spirits watched her with grief, feeling sad at her fate. The Grim Reaper himself was down at the altar, a grin on his skeletal face. His smile was cruel, but lustful. He was ready for this.

Penny sighed and stood in front of him. She hoped her kids were alive and well. She didn't want to think what had happened to them. The ghost at the altar smiled sadly as he got out his book.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join the union between the living and the dead." He said, shaking his head. "If anyone objects,"

"Which I hope no one does." The Reaper growled, making Penny and the spirits shake in fear.

"BUT WE DO!" A barking sound was heard as the cons came riding in on Cerberus, who snarled at everyone below. The guest all scream and floated away from the drooling beast. Penny smiled as she saw Soundwave waving at her from up top the middle head. The rest of the cons were on its back.

"Guys! What are you doing here?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

"We're here to rescue you Penny!" Starscream shouted. "Get on the giant three headed dog and let's get going!"

"SHE'S NOT GOING ANYWHERE!" The Grim Reaper slammed his scythe down, causing cracks to appear on the ground. "She belongs to ME!"

​​​​​​Megatron growled and leapt off the dog. He charged towards the Reaper himself, his cannon charging as he did. The reaper laughed and raised his scythe, eager to end his life. But what shocked him was the way that he dodged the scythe as it swung down upon him. He dodged it quickly, shooting at the chain that connected Penny with him. Penny gasped as she felt the chain go slack. She was free!

"Megatron, we need to go now!" She grabbed the grey mech and started to run towards the dog. The reaper roared and chased after them, his cloak of darkness growing larger.

"COME BACK WITH MY BRIDE!" He reached out to grab Penny, only to withdraw his hand at Megatron's shot. Dreadwing and Breakdown helped her get on Cerberus. With a flick of the reins he placed on him, Soundwave got the dog to lumber right out of the room, the enraged entity chasing after them.

"Nice to have you back with us Penny!" Breakdown said, smiling widely. "You're probably wondering how we got here huh?"

"Amongst other things yes." Penny said, allowing Dreadwing to use his sword to cut her dress, much to Knockout's dismay.

"Breakdown, we are running from possibly the most evil spirit ever on a giant three headed dog and that's what you assume she's wondering about?" Starscream said, giving him an incredulous look.

Breakdown shrugged. "Seems like a good time to ask."

"Well we could try to find a way out. Anything your girlfriend said on how to get out of the Underworld?" Knockout asked, getting another blush from Breakdown.

"Well she did say different portals open up at random. We just need to find a portal and get the heck out of here."

"What do these portals look like?" Dreadwing asked, looking back. "And we better hurry fast! The Grim Reaper is gaining on us."

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