One Last Glance of Freedom

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*A captured Penny, unknown location, who will save her? Where are her beloved children? What has happened to her sister and good friend? What does Unicron have planned for our single mother? Will Tempest have her revenge at last? And what's the deal with Albedo, Aesir, Virgil, and Adrestria, the four heralds of the Apocalypse? Why is the narrator running this author's note so long? I have no idea, I thought it would be great for the plot. Anyways, please enjoy!*
As I glance up into the endless skies, I get a glimpse of hope.
Perhaps this all is one big dream and the car didn't plummet off a cliff. Maybe the screams behind me aren't of those from my family screaming in fear. The glass is cracking as we fall, the blood from our various wounds are about to sprout up. My eyes catch a glance of Optimus, my dear child giving me a solemn look. Megatron sits besides him, his eyes looking sad too. They too have accepted death as if they had experienced this before. That kind of look you hoped to never see in a child made me scared. My thoughts came flooding back as I realized this was the end of the line, the end of the world that I worked so hard to make wonderful for my children. I smiled at the thought of going to the other side and seeing them laughing and playing without a care in the world. Meg and Izzy would be there too, Izzy having an endless supply of pops while Meg is baking me her famous crepes. I myself would be living in a new house with enough room to house all of them. It would be perfect...
And as for Galthea...
I never got the chance to tell her how much she meant to me. Sure I was angry for her ditching me when Meg left for college, but now that she's back in my life, I wanted to spend as much time with her. I even invited her to the picnic with her kids too. I never expected her to adopt kids then again miracles can happen. She seems to be the only one who has the parenting skills down pack since she practically helped mom raise me and Meg. If she is to live alone, then at least she has the kids to keep her company.
As for my mother....
I don't think I have no problem with her being alone. She has all these friends and neighbors to keep her company. And that cute little dragon that seems to follow her like a puppy would. She's always traveling everywhere so she'll never get bored. The only concern I have for her is to stop flirting with younger men. I think it's creeping them out. 
Soon I will be with father in heaven, his warm embrace will be one I look forward to. The kids will finally meet their grandfather and he will love each one of them. I imagine the look on his face when he realizes their robots. He will be so shocked and confused. But he'll just laugh it off and start playing with them. He tended to be like that a lot when we were younger. It will be nice to see him again.
Well this looks like the last thoughts I'll ever have. If I had one thing to say now, it would be to spare my children from this horrible fate and save me instead....
The car was slowly descending to the ground below. Optimus looked around to see the autobots and Decepticons alike closing their optics and bracing for impact. He saw Meg crying her heart out as she hugged the Vehicon trio tightly. Shockwave was hugging her from the neck, his optic closed. He watched as Izzy placed one last pop in her mouth and hugged Bee close to her body along with Knockout. He turned to see Penny giving him a small smile, her eyes conveying fear and sadness. He had seen those eyes many times, but never would he want them to grace this beautiful woman's face. She reached a hand out and touched his cheek.
"Optimus, promise me if you survive to live on without me. I will be fine, wherever I go." She said, her voice almost cracking. 
"No! Don't say that Penny! We are all going to make it!" Megatron leaned forward and hugged her hand tightly, not letting go. "So please stop saying that." 
"My dear Megatron, I have no idea what will happen when we impact the ground. All I know is that you and the others have been the best things in my life." She squeezed his servo gently. "Because I see a bright future where you, Optimus, and all the others live on without me. You will be very strong, strong enough to protect those around you and lead a great example to others. "She looked at Optimus. "And Optimus, I see so much in you that you have no idea what the future holds for you. You have a brave heart, a kind soul, and an intelligent mind. Use those to make a difference in the world. And with that, make yourself a great leader that the people will respect."
Optimus nodded, blue tears staining his face. "I will mama, I will..." He kissed her hand, also holding on to it tightly. "But I refuse to live in a world where you don't exist. Stay with us please, teach us how to live and play. Bake us treats, make up stories, do anything, but die!"
"I love you both..." Fatigue had finally caught up with Penny as the car inched closer to the ground. She closed her eyes for what seemed like the last time. Megatron roared with anguish, feeling a piece of his spark break at the sight of his mother passing out. Optimus looked away, also feeling a pain in his chest.
"Goodbye Penny...until all are one."
You aren't going to believe what happens next.

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