Lost Gets Found

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*A cute picture of Sparkling Optimus and Megatron! Aww!*

Previously on Mother of the Transformers....

I've always wanted to say that. Man I love breaking the fourth wall!

So last time, I took the children to the store in order to obtain some items that would be beneficial to the household. I thought I had everything under control until I lost the children.

You may think this isn't a big deal, but let's remember that my kids aren't normal. They're robots from a magic box I found in an alleyway. I still have no idea where they came from and I have no idea what they're named. For all I know they could be a science fiction project gone wrong.

But my heart yearned for companionship and this was probably God's way of giving me the best gift ever. Now I have twelve robot kids to love and take care of.

My name is Penny Drake, and let's get back to the story at hand. Now where we're we last time....

The lights went out in the entire store as Penny still was looking for her family. Optimus and Ratchet optics glowed blue in the dark, making voices of worry. Penny stopped the cart and took a deep breath to calm down. Taking the two out of the cart, she jumped them in her arms to calm them down.

"It's okay guys, please don't worry. We are going to find the others soon." She took out her cell phone and switched on the light. A peaceful glow surrounded them as Optimus and Ratchet cuddled closer to her body. She placed the cart back in the cart area and started to walk around the store to find the rest of the group.

No sooner had they turned down aisle 7 did Penny slip up from the spilled nail polish on the floor.

"What the-? Is this nail polish in the floor?" She wondered to herself before feeling something crawl on her legs. She shrieked before seeing the glowing red optics of two of her cutie pies. Her heart slowed down as she saw them giving her scared looks. Both of them were covered in the different colors of the shelf. Knockout whimpered against her leg, still startled by the falling shelf and the lights turning out. Breakdown was clinging to her arm, his optics covered in tears.

"What happened to you two? You look like you got into a fight with a paint catalog." Penny said, taking out some baby wipes she kept in her purse. She wiped their faces only to discover it was nail polish. "Okay this will be a bit harder to get out now."

That made Knockout more fussy. Penny shook her head as she cradled him in her arms. The other three bots followed her as she walked down the other aisles to find the other bots. Breakdown trailed beside her, worried for his best friend as Penny patted his back to calm him down. Was she mad at them for running off? Would she punish them later on?

As if sensing his worry, Penny looked down and patted his helm gently. "Calm down Eyeball, we need to find the others. You shouldn't be so stressed at the moment, you're only a baby robot."

Optimus smiled at this, watching Breakdown skip happily after Penny. How she could turn the most brutal of Decepticons into cute children amazed him. Ratchet could hardly believe his optics as Knockout finally calmed down to see the smiling face of Penny. The vain medic was actually focusing on something other than his paint job!

They walked down another aisle to find the fallen pile of LEGO bricks scattered all over the place. Penny cringed at this, avoiding stepping on the demon bricks entirely. The last thing she needed to do was injure herself on one of these bricks. The bots seem to see her hesitate as she tiptoed around the blocks and followed suit to avoid stepping on the bricks. Penny then heard the sound of beeps coming from beneath the pile of bricks and she placed Knockout down. She started to dig in the pile to see two pairs of blue optics looking back at her.

"Oh dear goodness! How did you two get trapped under these horrid bricks?" She asked them, turning to the others. "Guys! Help me get them out! They'll suffocate under all this!"

They all nodded as they helped Penny dig the bots out. A green arm poked out from one side of the pile as the buzzes of the youngest of her group of twelve whined out for her. She could feel her heart shattering into many pieces at his mournful cries as she dug out Bumblebee. The said bot appeared from the stack and latched onto her chest. He was shivering in fear from his near death experience. Bulkhead emerged after him, shaking excess bricks from his frame before hugging her abdomen. He wasn't shaking in fear, but he just needed a good hug. Penny hugged them as well, feeling relieved that they were okay.

"You two must've been so afraid! Thank God that we were able to find you! You had me worried sick!" She told them, cooing softly to calm Bee down. "Come now, we have to find the others."

No sooner had she said that did she hear the sounds of two tiny engines racing down the other end of the aisle. A small car and motorcycle peeled out due to the various colored blocks and slammed right into her legs. Penny winced in pain as the two vehicles transformed into the rowdy white bot and the cute femme. The white bot beeped happily as the femme started to reprimand him in a annoye tone. Penny cleared her throat as they both saw her and beeped in surprise.

"And just what were you two doing?" She asked in a stern motherly tone. "Why were you two not with the group?"

Smokescreen started to beep rapidly as Arcee just walked near her and patted her now sore leg. Penny could tell she was apologizing with her actions. That made her smile a bit and nod at her, though she wasn't out of the woods just yet. In fact, besides Optimus and Ratchet, they were all going to receive it later.

"Save it Stripes, we still need to find Grumpy Leader, Slendy, Wings, and Goldie." She told Smokescreen, who just gave her a dumbfounded look at the nicknames she gave them. Knockout laughed at his stunned face along with Arcee and Ratchet. Penny had them walking in front of her in order for her to keep an eye out on them. It was strange to walk around an empty dark store. The setting made her feel uneasy and a bit scared. Why did they have to split up? Why couldn't she get a normal shopping trip?

Footsteps were heard closing in on them, security guards searching the store for any suspicious characters. Penny heard this and grabbed the bots to hide in a dressing room. The bots were about to protest until they heard the footsteps pass by the room. Penny's heart thumped wildly as the footsteps stopped in front of the door, while the sparks of her children did the same. What felt like hours was only minutes as they passed by without a word. Penny gave a sigh of relief as she and the bots exited the room.

"That was a close one." She said, placing the all back on the ground. "We need to get out of here fast. The store is empty, the guards are out, and four of our family members are missing. If we are to do this fast, we need to be sneaky and sly." Confusion spread on their faces as she said this, making Penny facepalm. What was with her "duh" moments? "We need to be super secret super spies!"

Realization showed on their little faces as Penny sighed in relief. Maybe this wouldn't be a hopeless cause after all. The plan was simple, get the others and get the heck out of dodge. That seemed simple enough right?

What could go wrong?

The wraps up part two of the supermarket arc. Next chapter will be the last, and will contain discipline scenes. If you are one of those kids who was never disciplined as a child, be ready for a rude awakening!

Until then, Penny will give bots a bath! Who gets the famed rubber ducky?

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