Maybe You Aren't So Bad

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*Last time, Izzy made an interesting discovery on her lunch break when she got introduced to the wacky, zany, interesting Greaser Gang of the Botbots! While each had their own personality, they all seemed to have one thing in common; they liked hanging around her! Their creation was caused by Wheeljack, the resident scientist child of Galtea when he came over for the weekend. This is why we can't have nice things on this show when they mess around with the All-Spark! But I digress...since I love these kids. Anyways, let's continue on Izzy's mall adventure with some new friends!*

"So that's my dilemma! How am I supposed to talk to him if I can't even look him in the face?!"

After getting over her initial shock, Izzy finally got comfortable with her new mini friends. The Greaser Gang was actually listening to her problems instead of teasing her like her other "friends". Brock Head and Sup Dawg were sitting in front of her, knowledgeable looks on their face. They seem to be the more mature ones out of the group. Brotato and Duderoni were on her lap, gazing lovingly at her. The two had become a nuisance for her, but she tolerated them after awhile. Angry Cheese paced the table, Twerple Burple bothering her as she did. Fottle Barts kept Must Tard from breaking her phone as she played on it. So far, the gang were just charming little additions to her mostly mundane work experience.

"Sounds like you have it hard and this is coming from a talking slice of pizza." Brock Head joked, giving her a sympathetic look. "Don't worry though, if he likes you, he will accept you as you are."

"And if he doesn't, we can take his place in your spark!" Brotato said, getting a high-five from Duderoni.

"Rebounding! I just learned what that means from this game!" Must Tard called from her area. "Hey Izzy, what happens next to the main character in this game when they head to bed?"

Izzy snatched the phone from her, blushing hard. "Nothing! They just sleep and have a nice night."

"What do you-?"

"Anyways, I guess I'll have to talk to Cameron one of these days." Izzy got up quickly, knocking the two perverts off her lap. "And today can be one of those days!"

Angry Cheese rolled her eyes. "What's so great about mechs? The ones I know are either too annoying or dull as bricks."

Twerple Burple grinned. "Maybe we can help you get the right words out. I mean, mechs love a femme with some comedy right?" She laughed, eliciting more sugary drops from her top.

Izzy shook her head. "That's not the kind of laughter he'll want. But you can get into my bag so I can sneak you out. If any of my co-workers saw you guys, they would freak out!" Grabbing her bag off the hook, she opened it wide for them to climb inside. "Guess I'll have to take you home with me. Hope mom doesn't freak out from seeing you. My dad won't mind, but she might have some problems with you."

One by one they all climbed inside, eager to get out of the kitchen area. Izzy carefully snuck out of the kitchen and back into her serving area, only to bump into someone, knocking her downwards.

"Geez! I've got to watch where I'm going!" She groaned, rubbing her head. "Sorry bout that-! Uhh...."

Standing above her was Cameron who was giving her a look of concern. "Are you okay Izzy? Sorry for knocking you on the ground." He pulled her up, making the poor girl blush. "You don't seem hurt, thank goodness."

Izzy stood there baffled and looking like a codfish with her mouth open.  She gazed upon his face, trying to see if she could talk to him. The Greaser Gang watched from her bag, intrigued by her new behavior. Brock Head patted her side, trying to break her out of her stupor.

Izzy flushed red before nodding. "Yeah! I guess I'm feeling alright! Thanks for asking! Say are you doing anything later? We can hang out!" She rambled, mentally slapping herself at her stupidity. That was way too fast and she knew for sure that he wouldn't say yes after her rushed ask.

Cameron looked surprised at this and smiled softly. "That sounds fine. I have nothing to do later after work and I'm sure that my mom wouldn't mind me staying for a few extra hours." He pulled out his phone. "I'll text her to find out. If she says no, then how about we catch a movie on Friday?"

The gang watched the scared face of Izzy turn bright at this. Brock Head sighed happily while the rest of the gang cheered. Angry Cheese huffed at this, turning away to hide her happy face. Brotato and Duderoni were silently weeping at this, wanting to do something to sabotage the date. Fottle Barts snickered at them. Must Tard giggled at their antics too.

"I'll see you later or on Friday then! Kay bye!" She said, running away from embarrassing herself more. The Greaser Gang sighed at her shyness. She turned the corner before letting them out her bag. "I did it guys! I think I have a chance with him now or something!"

"See I told you things would work out!" Brock Head grinned, Sup Dawg nodding with her. "You just had to get out there and trust your instincts."

"Now you have a date! Ooh, I've never been on a date before! Can we come with?" Must Tard rambled, excited to see human rituals.

"Um...I'm not sure that's a good idea." Izzy admitted, blushing a bit. "I can barely speak to the guy without fumbling my words and to add you to the mix would probably make things-"

"Oh so ya think we would ruin your date?" Angry Cheese asked, getting a bit mad.

"No! I'm just saying I haven't gotten used to you guys yet and I think we should get to know each other better before you come with me." Izzy explained, not trying toget the grilled cheese mad. "You guys are super cool and remind me of the kids I babysit. It would be nice to get along with you."

"That sounds fun! Maybe you can teach us some things too!" Twerple Burple said, laughing. "Like pranks!"

"Or watching those movies!" Fottle Barts added.

"Or even driving a car! I wanna go fast!" Duderoni imitated car noises.

"We can do all that together! Plus, Miss Penny will be right next door if I need any help! I'm sure she wouldn't mind." Izzy thought aloud, then her face furrowed.

But how did all this crazy stuff happen in the first place?

*Hey readers! Sorry for the late update and filler chapters! Now we can get back to the main story with Penny and the others. What did you think of the BotBots pilot arc? I plan on making a series starring Izzy and the gang finding new friends around the mall. I want to know if you guys would be interested in a lesser faction of the Transformers for this new story. Let me know in the comments!*

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