Higher Power

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Papa, can you hear me?
Papa, can you see me?
Papa can you find me in the night?
Papa are you near me?
Papa, can you hear me?
Papa, can you help me not be frightened?
Looking at the skies I seem to see
A million eyes which ones are yours?
Where are you now that yesterday
Has waved goodbye
And closed its doors?
The night is so much darker
The wind is so much colder
The world I see is so much bigger
Now that I'm alone
Galthea opened her eyes to find herself in the void.
There was nothing around her, just a black mass of space. She appeared to be floating around the area, her hair billowing. She was alone, dark, cold, and empty. Seeing that nothing was happening to her, she closed her eyes and got into a fetal postion.
So this is it? I can't believe that I'm dead. I'm sorry Penelope and Mom, I never got a chance to thank you for believing in me. I'm sorry dad that we never got a chance to go to that park. I never got a chance to tell you that I love you when you died.
And most of all, I am sorry to Megara. You and I fought over a silly boy. I wished I had known that he was using both if us. If anything, I would kill to see your smiling face again. 
"Come now child, you don't think you are dead now?" 
Galthea opened her eyes to see a large figure standing in front of her, blue eyes glowing brightly. Fear turned her heart a bit, making her back away. The figure chuckled and reached out towards her. It' palm wrapped around her, embracing her with warmth. Gal saw a smiling face peering down at her, giving her a comforting smile. 
"Who are you? Where am I?" She said, panicking a bit.
"Rest assured, I will not let harm come to you." His voice rumbled. "I am the spirit within this box, which is called the Allspark."
"Allspark? That's what you are?" Her eyes sparked with facination. "Are you one some sort of alien? A robot? You look like the children my sisters have."
"Yes, I have picked your family to house the last generation of Cybertron. With your unique bloodlines, I was sure you three would all take care of the children. And your sisters have done a pretty good job! Never in my life would I imagine seeing Autobots and Decepticons working and playing together."
"What about me? Will I receive children too?" Her heart leapt at the possibilty. Even though she had a cold personality, she loved children. Perhaps it ran in the family. Her face always brightened whenever she was around children. 
The Allspark chuckled at her enthusiasm. "I have considered giving you some, but I am not sure if you are worthy enough. I have seen the life you live. A life of running, you have a slight drinking problem, and to top it off, you treat your sisters unfairly. That's why I pulled you here. I wanted to learn the real you."
"The real me?"
"The you you were before that boy ruined the relationships between you and your sisters."
Thoughts went around in her head. She remembered all the times she and Penny used to bake cookies and cakes for the orphanages. Or when she and her mother would sit around the table and chat with some tea. Tears ran down her face as she recalled teaching Meg how to ride her bike the first time. Those days in the summer when they went to the beach house. The winter where the snow would fall on her eyelashes. All those memories flooded back to her, as if her heart unlocked and unfrozen after all those years.
"I-I-I..." She stuttered, her hands shaking. "What have I done?"
"Perhaps you should see the impact of actions of your selfishness."
A bright glow enveloped her as she felt herself get sucked into a tunnel.
"She's what!"
It was a winter night as the snow was falling down out the window. Regina was sitting at the table, her face in sheer horror. Penny started to sob loudly as she held a crying Meg.
"Gone, your sister has ran away." Regina bit her lip nervously. "What happened between the two of you?"
"She's just upset that Meg basically stole her boyfriend!" Penny replied, hiccuping. "I tried to stop her, but she locked the door to her room. I figured she had fallen asleep in there. But the door unlocked and she was gone."
"And why would she think that Meg would steal her boyfriend?"
Meg looked away. "It's because she came at the wrong time. Her boyfriend was the one that betrayed her. He only used her to get to me! He told me that she was nothing but a appetizer before he got to the dessert." She hugged her arms to her chest. "He tried to kiss me before I kicked him in the shin and ran. He chased me down the block and pinned me to the wall!" Choking on sobs, Meg continued. "He told me if I told her that he would basically hurt me and Penny! When I got home, Gal started yelling at me. She said that we weren't sisters anymore and that I was dead to her. I asked her why she said that and she claimed that Caleb had told her that I tried to kiss him!"
Regina cooed and hugged her. "Oh my poor baby, where did I go wrong in raising girls like you three!" She kissed her forehead gently. "Don't worry, we'll find her."
"But will she listen to me?" Meg asked, her eyes still sparkling with tears.
"Only time will tell." Penny placed a hand on her shoulder. "Let's just hope for the best."
"I wish dad were here to protect us. He would tell her that she made a bad choice." Meg said, angered at the lack of male influence in the house.
"Your father was a brave man, but he is gone now. There's nothing more that we can do." Regina said, wrapping both her daughters in her arms. "All we can do is pray that your sister will see the light once more."
"So she didn't betray me..." Gal said slowly. Her thoughts took a 180 as she tried to process what she'd seen. "She never kissed him or went out with him. He was the one trying to go out with her! I've been unfairly cruel to her and the family!"
Her memories went back to that night. She remembered that she ran to Caleb's house a tearful mess. To help her out, he opened the liquor cabinet and gave her something to down her sorrows upon. That was the first night she had ever gotten drunk. She recalled how wasted Caleb was as he tried to force himself onto her drunken state. She had slapped him and ran, but found herself by the side of the road, broken and ashamed. She didn't want to go back and face her family, so she ran away instead.
"I've been running away from my problems for all my life now. I turned to work and alcohol to disillusion myself from my broken reality." She chuckled, clenching the bottle in her hand. "I'm really a hot mess aren't I? I was so blinded by jealousy and hatred that Iet my family suffer."

The Allspark nodded at this. "Do you know what you must do now?" 

"I need to apologize to them all! I've been such a jerk towards my family that I ran from my problems. But no more, time to stop being such a coldhearted witch!" Galthea smiled as she stood up in the floating space. "They may not forgive me, but I need to at least try to allow them back to me."

"That's all I needed to hear. You have proven yourself worthy of watching over two of my children."

"I only get two? How come the others got more?" Gal complained, only to get a look from the Allspark. "Fine, I can watch two kids. I practically took care of my sisters. How hard can these kids be?"
"Oh you are going to be regretting those words." The Allspark warned, snapping his fingers.
Spots danced along her eyes as she fell into a deep sleep.
"Hey is she alright?"
"Hey! Stop poking her cheek! You are going to hurt her!"
"Relax, she hasn't waken up from them. Not like she'll be angry at me or something."
Galthea felt smaller bodies on her larger body. Her eyes fluttered open to see the smiling face of a robot with fins on the side of his head. His blue optics grew large as he jumped in the air. The bot beside him rolled his optics, leaning against the front sear of her car. She saw that one of his hands were artificial.
"Uh....hi?" The finned one waved at her. Galthea didn't really curse much, but today was a given.
"Allspark, you mother-"

"Gal! Are you okay?" The woman looked up to see the worried faces of her family members along with her mother and the kids. Penny gasped at the sight of new bots, but kept her thoughts inward. Megara glared down at her older sister, not caring about her sorry state.

Gal sighed and placed the new bots by her side. "Meg, I never wanted you to hate me or feel hurt that you couldn't talk to me. All these years of hatred and bitterness towards each other has made us drift apart more and more." Tears started flowing down her face as she sniffled. "I just wanted to say that I am sorry for not being there to help you out. I was selfish to believe what Caleb had told me. He tried to rape me that night I left you all and got me drunk! I was so ashamed to see any of your faces for such a long time! You are the best things that ever happened to me and I took it for granted!" She looked away, not wanting to face her little sister. "I understand if you never want to see me again-"

"Look, I don't wanna hear your excuses." Meg said, crossing her arms. Her face changed as hot tears flowed freshly down her face. "I just want my older sister back!"

The two hugged each other, feeling the warmth of their hearts melting the cold exteriors. Regina hugged Penny, who was sobbing hard now too. The bots and cons felt the need to hug each other as well(except for Shockwave who thought emotions were illogical). The new bots hugged Gal's legs, forming a maternal bond with her.

"I think this was the best Thanksgiving we've had in a long time." Regina whispered, smiling at her daughter's reconciliation.

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