Meg Mis-Adventures

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*Since I did a drabble series with Penny and Izzy, Meg shall now get a turn! The titles all reference a famous French dish!*


"Mon dieu! What did you three do to yourselves?!"

Megara stood in shock at the mess that had accumulated in her sister's kitchen. Flour was spilled on the floor along with various fruits. Water was spilt on the counter too. Tons of dishes were stacked in the sink. In the middle of all this, her Vehicon trio was on the table, a large bowl full of goop in their servos.

Steve started beeping fast, trying to explain what had happened before she placed a finger in the goop. A smile adorned her face as she sniffed the ooze.

"You know, we can make something out of this! I have the perfect recipe!" She got out a book from her purse and flipped through the pages. "Here we are! This mixture is similar to the crepe! How about we make some for your cousins when they come back from school?"

Gary hopped up and down, excited to make food. That's what they were trying to do in the first place before Kevin accidentally spilled the water all over the place. Steve tried cleaning it up, but where he was reaching for the towel, the flour spilled all over his frame. After all the carnage that happened in the kitchen, they started to panic.

Meg hummed as she cleaned up the mess that had accumulated in the trio's cooking lesson. They helped her of course, beeping happily as they hummed along. After cleaning the pan, Meg got out a bowl and stirred the batter for the crepes.

"So you have to stir nice and gentle. Don't go so fast or the batter will bubble up!" She said, allowing Gary to stir the batter. The Vehicon did what she instructed, gasping at the batter. The other two watched the inside of the bowl, trying to poke their digits in. Meg playfully slapped their hands.

"Hey! Wait till He's done stirring." She said, getting the pan hot. "Steve, you can flip the crepes. Kevin, you can decorate the crepes with chocolate sauce and fruit!"

The other bots came in through the door, Penny following behind them as she opened the house door. The orange haired woman had bags underneath her eyes, hair all over the place, and a wrinkled shirt. She took off her coat and shoes. Then proceeded to faceplant on the couch.

"Penny's been getting tired too much. She hardly has time to play with us." Bee said sadly, patting her face.

"Penny...please tell us what's wrong." Megatron asked, looking worried.

Before she could reply, Penny's nose caught the distinct scent of freshly made crepes. A sudden memory triggered inside her mind as she recalled a moment from her past.

"You know Penelope, you look so beautiful with those flowers in your hair."

"How about we try this little bakery I found! They have the best-"

"Crepes are done!" Meg shouted, bring in the platter of Parisian deserts. "Me and the triplets made them just for you!"

The bots and cons dug into the treats while Penny looked down at her plate. Her sister had a strawberry flavored heart on the top one while chocolate sauce was drizzled on the sides. Picking up her fork, she speared the treat and placed it in her mouth.

Taste liked...a summer's memory.


"Shockwave, you need to at least go outside to make new friends. I took you to the park to have fun, not to study insects!"

"I find making friends to be highly-"

"Illogical, I know..."

Meg volunteered to take the kids to the playground to exercise and get out the house while Penny cleaned up a bit. As if by a miracle, all their friends had came to the park that day. Optimus and Tanya were inside the tunnel, reading. Ratchet and his new friend Claire was hanging out by the pond, he was leaning against her wheelchair. Bee and Smokescreen raced Aidan and his sister. Breakdown and Sera were sitting under the trees. Knockout was pushing Julie on the swings while Vicky watched enviously. Starscream hung upside-down with Louis. Megatron was with Fred and Nadia, playing jacks. Behind them, Beth watched Megatron with loving eyes. Soundwave was chatting with Lotus in rapid fire sign language. Arcee laughed at a joke that Onyx was telling by the slides. Dreadwing was sword fighting with Dianna, who was using her stick to her advantge. Even the Vehicon trio had found kids to play with!

Shockwave was sitting by his carrier, studying the bugs on the ground and possibly torturing some of them if she hadn't intervined. Meg was worried that her brainiac of a son would grow up cold and lonely without someone to play with. Biting her lip, she looked around for a child that wasn't playing with her niece and nephew.

"There has to be someone you want to play with! You can't just stay beside me the whole trip." She argued, waving her arms in a frantic motion. "You need to spend time with children you own age."

Shockwave gave her a lazy look, his red optic glowering. "If I can find someone to connect with on an intellectual front, I will believe it. After all, Soundwave found someone to chat with. I guess it isn't illogical for me to find a friend." He got up from his spot and walked towards the play structure. "Very well, I will try to make "friends" with these lower lifeforms."

Meg could almost weep at the sight of her son trying to effort making friends. She got out a small basket, revealing freshly baked macarons. She handed him one. "Give this Macaron to the first person you see. If they accept, then that shall be your friend."

"This is quite a silly way to make friendship, but I will try this method." He said, walking over to the playground.

Megara hoped he would be alright. Those were darn good Macarons!

Goodnight Bots

"Meg, you need to get to sleep! You've been working on that project for hours."

Penny was worried that her sister was going to suffer from sleep deprivation. Her little sister had a big modeling project to finish for her boss before the month ended. Her kitchen table was littered with various thrown out prices of papers, pencils on the floor, and ink pens all over the counter. Meg was looking dead as she drew more designs.

"No, I must get these done! I have to *yawn* find a muse for my art!" Her sister babbled, eyes beginning to droop. "I need to...I need to..."

The sound of wheels caught her ears as a small tank made its way into the kitchen. It transformed into Shockwave, who had an annoyed look on his optic.

"Carrier, you need to recharge! You are going to over work yourself!" He chided, scolding her. "Bedtime, now!"

"I am practically an adult! You can't tell me what to do!" Meg protested, pouting at him.

And thus a glaring match began with the two, making Penny get more migraines.

"Goodnight Carrier."

"Night Auntie!"

"Sweet dreams!"

Meh grumbled as she wrapped her arms around the Vehicon trio. They happily beeped and snuggled deeper into her arms for warmth. Shockwave tucked her into the other bed in the basement before snuggling next to her as well. Meg had to admit, he was clever. Too clever to discover she needed more get more rest. A smile crept onto her face as she nuzzled her nose against their small helms.

"Goodnight, my metal babies."

This chapter is brought to you by Writer's Block.

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