Am I Good Enough?

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The morning had started out nice and quiet.

Penny murmured in her sleep, turning over to bring Dreadwing closer to her chest. She had to admit that the young bot was comfy against her body. Her tired arms went to reach for the bot, but instead found nothing. It was then Penny realized that she had fallen off the side of the bed, flat on her face. 

" wanted to start the morning." She grumbled to herself as she picked herself up. Her eyes adjusted to the morning sunlight as she opened the curtains up. The light streamed into the room, making it brighter and cheerier. She could only smile as she looked over to her bed....

To find her whole family had taken up the bed!

Dreadwing was in her spot, his helm on her pillow. Arcee was snuggled on the other pillow, her finger in her glossa. Next to her was Optimus who was sharing his blanket with Megatron who was growling in his sleep. Starscream had taken refuge on the top of her pillow. Bulkhead, Knockout, and Breakdown were sleeping at the door of her bed. Smokescreen was draped over her bedframe, blue drool coming out of his mouth. Ratchet was under her bed, snoring loudly and snuggled in her slippers. Bumblebee had her old stuffed bear in his arms as he was sleeping on the floor at the door of the bed. Penny smiled at the sight, but realized that she wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. So much for sleeping in this morning.

It was then she realized that she didn't see the screen face one. It took all her willpower to not scream as she placed her hands behind her back to feel him latched onto her back. Then she felt talons on her shoulder. Her eyes widen as she saw a small black bird on her shoulder. It cocked its head at her, pecking her ear. Penny patted its head, making it flap its wings in surprise. This action made Penny giggle, Soundwave himself laughing on her back.

"Okay you two, I need to go get dressed. So if you would so kindly get off my back..." Penny sighed as she felt the tentacles tighten on her shoulders. 

Soundwave beeped silently as he placed his face on her backside. Everyone else was asleep so he would have her all to himself now along with Lazerbeak. The drone made itself comfortable on her shoulder, the small birdie pressing in her hair. It was soft and silky to the touch. He ended up getting tangle in her locks, Penny just giving him a look.

"Alrighty then, I guess I'll have to make due with you two for now." Penny took one last look at her adorable little bots and walked out the room. If she was going to get ready for the day, at least she could go make herself and the others some breakfast. After prying the slippers from Ratchet's little hands, she threw on her light green robe and headed downstairs to get breakfast ready.

Bots P.O.V

Optimus onlined his optics to find himself in the room of their caretaker. How he got there in the middle of the night he would never know. All he remembered was Megatron dragging their shared blanket into her room and hoisting them both on the bed. He was half-awake when he saw Megatron growl at how Dreadwing was snuggling close to Penny. Optimus had watched him shove Dreadwing out of the way and insert himself into Penny's arms. She either didn't notice or she didn't care as she snuggled him closer to her body. Optimus had known him for as long as he could remember and realized that he didn't know much about Megatron to consider him a close friend. Sure they had been friends on Cybertron, but he didn't know what made Megatron attracted to the female human in the first place.

Megatron sighed in content as he wanted to feel more of the body heat that the human female had provided. He wanted her all to himself as much as the other bots did. His spark was clawing at the seams trying to reach the heart of this human. Since she was human, it was hard for his spark to reach one that didn't have one. But he couldn't simply leave her side without satisfying his spark's need. For years of being a miner and a gladiator, he hardly received love to a parental level. He never knew his actual sire and carrier. But here was this human, a human he barely knew, was giving him the love and affection he craved for all time. He liked this, no, he loved this!

Maybe...being a sparkling again was the greatest thing ever.

Arcee pushed against the door, opening it just enough to get her small body inside. She ran towards the bed, jumping up to grab the sheets to hoist herself up. She wanted to sleep with the other femme in the house. Not that sleeping in the room with the others was bad, but she wanted some female companionship. She never had someone like her praise and made her feel like she was the most important thing in the galaxy. Landing on top of the bed, she gasped as she realized that she wasn't the first bot there. 

Oh least she could enjoy the company of Penny and the others. She crawled around the bed to find a good spot as she slowly went into stasis.

This went on the remainder of the night. One by one, all the bots found their way into Penny's room to sleep with her. Turns out her room was the place to be during the night.

Penny sung to herself as she placed the pancakes on the plate in front of her. Maybe getting up early on a Saturday was totally worth the wake up call from her screen face baby. Speaking of Soundwave, she looked over her shoulder to see him drawing on the table with his bird friend. The picture was of all the bots and to her surprise, she was in it as well! Penny could hardly contain her happiness at that. Was she truly accepted by all these cuties?

"That picture looks so cute! You've captured everyone nicely!" Penny said, patting his helm. "Do you think I am good enough to be your...mother?" She asked him because he seemed to be the most observant of the group. Or at least that's what it seemed to her. He was so quiet it took her time to get used to him being there. She wanted to give everyone the right amount of love, but she wondered if that was ever enough. Even with human children, there was always some kids who called her mean names. Ever since she was little, she wanted to love everyone even if they were bad. But sometimes she wondered if she was enough...

As if seeing her discomfort, Soundwave patted her arm to soothe her sadden heart. Penny's eyes watered at this sweet gesture as she brought him up in her arms and hugged him tightly. No words were shared, but none were needed. Lazerbeak hopped up on her head and nuzzled deeply. As the other babies came into the kitchen, they were surprised to find a crying Penny hugging Soundwave. As if sensing her distress, they all hugged Penny albeit a bit jealous of how she was holding Soundwave. 

No words were needed for this moment, Penny knew that she was finally happy with her new family. She would do anything to keep them happy and safe.

"Y-Y-You guys are the b-b-best!" She said through her tears. Then another duh moment popped in her head. "Wait...did I leave the stovetop on?"

Smile covered the kitchen as Penny raced to go get the fire extinguisher from underneath the sink. Pushing the babies to the ground to prevent smoke inhalation, she sprayed the stove to put out her char colored pancakes. All the bots looked frightened as Penny opened the window to let the smoke out. She turned around to face them, her face covered in soot.

"Well I do believe we need to get out the house today! How about we head to the park?"

Penny has a lot of issued to sort out! Perhaps these babies could be the key to her happiness! Next time, the bots and cons meet a new friend!

Until then, how will Penny handle them when they see bugs?

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