Mystery Solved

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"I'm surprised it took you so long to contact me. I have a very busy job with schoolwork and taking care of the Vehicon triplets. You better have something for me to experiment on."

The Mystery Gang was sitting in the living room of Megara's penthouse were she served the kids some of her homemade cookies and berry smoothies. Tanya got to meet the lovely young adult and her family for the first time. Optimus was glad to see his auntie after the whole Thanksgiving fiasco and resolution. Shockwave was at the table with his science kit in one servo and a laptop in the other. Soundwave plugged in the data he got from the scene of the crime and started analyzing it with him.

"Thanks for the snacks Miss Drake! Your chocolate chip cookies are to die for!" Tanya complimented the blue haired woman. "And these berry smoothies are so refreshing."

Meg chuckled as she cleaned up the kitchen. "You really think so? I was hoping you would try them out since I have to turn them in for my baking class midterm. My little bots have been helping me get them to be top notch quality."

Steve nodded, munching into another cookie. "Plus we get free treats to bring to our preparatory school."

"You guys are in prep school? Since when did you get into such a high in line school?" Starscream exclaimed, shocked at what he was hearing.

"When you have a mother who works in the fashion industry and bakes for French Patisseries, you get to go to the best schools for the arts and science!" Gary said, sipping the smoothie he had.

"Can you please keep it down? I need to analyze this hair sample that you gave me." Shockwave said, playing with his kit. "Soundwave, can you help me by hooking this machine up to your laptop? That way we can figure out who it belongs to."

Soundwave nodded, hooking the laptop to his DNA scanner machine. Shockwav inserted the hair piece as the scanner did its work. Meg picked up the textbook, examining the cover intensely.

"Where did you guys get this old thing? I haven't seen this textbook since my middle school years." She commented, flipping through the book.

"Wait...middle school? So this book isn't found at our elementary school?" Optimus asked, looking at the book with her.

"I totes remember this book vividly. Only the honors students got books this fancy. I should know, I was one in the first place." Meg flipped her hair and smirked. "I'm more than just a pretty face hon."

"And on that note, can you show us who that sample belongs to?" Tanya said, slightly impressed at Megara. "We need to wrap this up and sole this mystery."

"It would appear that this hair sample belongs to a William Penbrooke. Do you know who that is?" Shockwave asked the group. They shook their heads while Soundwave cross referenced their suspect.

Meg's face scrunched up at the name. "He wouldn't happened to be related to Benjamin Penbrooke would he?"

"Who's that Auntie Meg?" Ultra Magnus asked curiously. "Do you know something about the suspect?"

"Well I don't know a William Penbrooke, but if he is the older brother to this one guy I knew from high school then it makes sense. Ben was bullied into doing assignments for other people in order to save his hide. That backfired as soon as we got out of high school since he now runs a major cooperation that employed most of his tormentors."

"Then William Penbrooke must be his kid brother!" Tanya gasped, snapping her fingers. "I think I got this mystery solved guys!"

"I agree, I think we know who did the crime." Optimus turned to Soundwave. "Can you alert Mr. McGregor and the police department of this revelation?"

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