Premonition of Evil

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*A look at the now Unicron controlled Temptress. Loving her new armor by the way. Anyways, this chapter will contain scenes of uncomfortable imagery. I don't do it too bad though, so you may not need to worry. Also for those of you who would like to know, I plan on having the AllSpark play a big role in this. You'll find out why.
"Everything I was afraid of when I was growing up, I've become. I've taken on my nightmares, like the devil and the end of the world, and I've become those things."
-Marilyn Manson
The world was dark and desolate. The skies were black with the clouds that rained fire and spewed lava. The ground was littered with the bodies of the dead and deceased. Some of the bodies were fried while others were frozen in terror. A majority of the bodies had purple crystals sticking out from them. A dark wind blew, scattering the remains of the human race with it. Around the midst of it all, the bodies of familiar robotic creatures were offlined and sparkless. Among them all, one body was ripped apart mercilessly, no optics, no arms, not a single drop of energon circulating in it. The body of the young Optimus Prime was mutilated to death.
"This wasn't supposed to end like this! How did he, why did he..." A voice, the crying voice of a paining mother cried out. One of the last remaining humans held her child in her arms as tears gushed from her face. Her own body was burned and scratched up, her clothes beyond repair. But that didn't matter now. What mattered was the fallen children that surrounded her body, breaking her sanity and making her weep. She strung curses of the name of their killer, their destroyer.
Sera opened her eyes and leaped out of her meditative stance. The candles around her room reflected her look of horror as she stood up. Placing a hand on her beating chest, she calmed herself down long enough to comprehend what had just occurred. Was that a warning from the future? Or was that the present that was to come. Confused, she consulted her books to find a way to contact that vision again. A warm glow enveloped her body as she surged with psychic power. What was this vision trying to tell her and could she prevent the events that would happen?
"Seraphina, your little boyfriend is here!" Her mother called, her voice dripping with sweetness. She could almost smile at the thought of spending time with Breakdown if she hadn't just seen his dead body. And who the heck was Unicron? So many questions rolled around in her head as she placed the book down. She'll have to read it later, it was time to go to school with her friend.
"Here you go mom, a hot bowl of chicken noodle soup!"
"Thanks Wheeljack, this better not have any surprises in it!"
"I made sure there wasn't anything mother. In fact, it's just a harmless bowl of soup."
Galthea patted her young mech's helms as she took a whiff of the soup. She had just contracted a cold a few days ago and had to stay home from work. Her kids, bless their hearts, decided to stay home from school in order to make her feel better. Even though she didn't approve of them staying behind from their classes, she already knew they were getting good grades. Ultra Magnus was the top of his class after all. She took the bowl of soup from Wheeljack's servos and took a nice long sniff before lunging her spoon into the murky substance.
"Oh Aunt Penny called to tell you to get well soon." Wheeljack informed her, going back to working on his homemade explosions. "Also to invite us to have a anniversary picnic at her local park to celebrate having the others for almost one full year."
"A silly celebration for her children? Sounds like my sister." Gal snorted, thinking of how she would just throw parties for the heck of it. "And how does she plan on financing a sort of brunch like that? With her house bills so high, I'm surprised she manages to pay for breakfast for twelve kids!"
Ultra Magnus gave a shrug. "I'm not sure how she does it, but somehow she can. But the matter is at hand, are we going to attend?"
Galthea nodded, no point of refusing. She just got back on her sister's good graces and planned to stay a bit longer. A drowsy feeling overcame them as she started to fall asleep. Placing her bowl down, she kiss the helms of Jackie and Magnus before snuggling into the couch to fall into a deep sleep.
"Huh? What's going on? Where am I?"
"Hello Galthea, I figured you would be back here again." Galthea turned to see the glowing light that was the AllSpark floating next to her in the dark void. She smiled brightly at it, but frowned slightly.
"If you're here again, it must not be good news. You only ever come when bad things are about to happen." She said, crossing her arms.
"I'm afraid that an ancient evil has arisen again. I can feel the power of the AntiSpark coming back to power." His voice rumbled, an ominous feeling foreboding Gal. "With this, Unicron will surely follow suit. If he comes back, then I fear your planet is doomed to die."
"What? Who is this Unicron? Why are you telling me this?" Gal was panicking now, her hands fumbling around. "Surely my other sister-"
"You are the only one who can talk to me. Primus does favor your middle sister to take care of the children. Your younger sister has yet to find her true purpose. But you hold a powerful connection with me and me alone." A tendril of light poked her chest, where her heart was beating. A warm feeling washed over her as she closed her eyes. "You are the key to unlocking the AllSpark. I currently reside at your sister's domicile, waiting to be opened again. More bots are in need of the powerful connection that your sisters and you have. Even your own mother has this sort of power inside her, which has gotten her a Predacon."
"Your speaking in circles. You aren't telling me what makes this Unicron such a big threat." Gal's hair overshadowed her face as a scared look was in her eyes. "If the world was going to come to an end, what will happen?"
The AllSpark was silent before pulsing with light once again. "Some say the world will end by storms or fire. Others believe that it will just collapse onto itself. But if Unicron was the one to end this world..."
"Then not even a speck of light will be remained. He will devour this entire world."
"Train harder! Faster! How can you call yourself an herald of the high master if you can't even hit his most trusted subordinate?"
Tempest fell down to her knees as Lilth pointed her sword at her Decepticon mark on her breast. She was wearing an entirely new outfit now as her eyes switched back and forth from red to purple. Tempest found herself standing in an arena of some sort, being watched by three other individuals, who in turn was watching their general.
One of them was a tall man with pale skin. He had long silver hair that is tied into a thick braid and held by a blue bead. His eyes were green with red irises. He wore a long black and white tunic with red buttons and cuffs. He also wore black pants and blue flat shoes along with a light blue scarf. A smug look was on his face as he studied the fighting style of the new female.
The other one was male as well with long dark-blue hair with bangs swept to the left side. He wore a golden mask over his eyes, with the eye holes completely black. His suit was dark gray with matching pants and black knee-length boots tucked into the pants. He also wore a black cape, white gloves, and a short blue necktie.
The last one was a female with long, knee-length silver hair and red eyes. She wore a general's apparel with long sleeves, a red scarf on her neck, and high-heeled boots. On her back were two large wings, one white and the other black. She was giving Tempest a curious look, but nonetheless she wasn't impressed.
"What do you think Virgil? Will she be the next herald of Unicron?" She asked the silver haired male who only chuckled in reply. 
"Really Adrestia, do you honestly think she has what it takes? Frankly I'm surprised that Master Unicron allowed such a lowlife to be part of his mighty army!" Virgil replied, turning to the blue haired gentlemen. "And what about you Aesir? Do you believe that she will serve for us well?"
The masked man could only smirk. "Yes, for she has what we we don't have."
A thirst for bitter revenge.
A warning premonition, an untold enemy, a reunion, and the starting of war. What will happen to our heroes?  You'll have to find out next time!
The Unicron Saga has just begun!

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