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"Oh how wonderful! All of my children under one roof!"
The bots and cons sat beside their grandmother, who was beaming with pride at all three sisters sitting at the table. Megara scowled at Galthea, passing her the mashed potatoes. Penny was still in shock at the sight of the eldest sister sitting at the table. Her spoon was full of macaroni, pieces falling off. Galthea ignored her, sipping the cold iced tea from her glass before wiping her mouth with a napkin. It seemed she still retained her cold facade after all these years, giving her two sisters harden glares.
The only one unfazed was Regina, who was eating her rolls. She patted Arcee on the helm, smiling at her only granddaughter. She noticed how while there were many males, she was the only female. That would change in the future. She would promise that. Spreading more butter on her roll, Regina giggled at the sight of the bots trying to eat. Optimus was digging into a turkey leg, the juices spilling from it. Megatron spooned some cranberry sauce on Ratchet's plate, covering his ham. Bumblebee was snatching roll after roll, stuffing his face full. Smokescreen was slurping his soup, the liquid flying everywhere. Beside him, Starscream gave a disgust face before setting down his plate full of salad. Breakdown challenged Bulkhead to an eating contest as the two munched on the various carrots in the soup. Soundwave was quietly eating his sweet potatoes, slipping some under the table for an awaiting Lazerbeak. Shockwave sat beside him, fiddling around with the silverware. The Vehicon trio were being fed by Knockout, who was getting covered with tons of food scraps. The cherry mech grimaced. He would be in for a bath later.
The silence was finally broken from the banging noise of a fist hitting the table. Galthea gazed up to see Megara hovering over her, her face red with hurt and anger. The youngest sibling took a deep breath before finally speaking.
"What is your problem?" She asked, her tone even. "How do you just waltz right in here, take a plate of food, and then act as if nothing happened in the past!"
"Must you be so loud?" Gal asked, taking a rather large bottle out of her purse before taking the cap off. "You are ruining the dinner. But that's not the reason why I'm here." She took a big swig of her drink before wiping her mouth with a napkin. "The reason I'm here is to forgive you for taking what was rightfully mine."
"Um...maybe you guys should..." Penny started to say before she was interrupted.
"No sis, stay out of this one. I want to hear what she has to say about this issue." Megara placed her fork down and glared. "Now why should I listen to the girl who lied about the situation in the first place?"
"We all know who was the girl he was talking about. Obviously you were so in denial that you assumed every cute guy is for you and you alone." Another swing. "Which frankly they could do better."
"Gal..." Regina said, trying to deter the younger chid from doing something foolish.
"Are you calling me desperate? IS THAT WHAT YOU'RE CALLING ME?" Meg was seething in anger now, her fist clenched tightly.
"Oh calling you desperate is too nice." Gal gave her a lazy look before taking a long swig. "You are nothing but a child trying to suffice in this world. The second you get love thrown your way, you try too hard to earn it. And looked where that got you."
Regina and Penny gave looks of fright before covering their ears to muffle out the irate screams of Meg. The kids watched in horror as she walked up to Gal and promptly smacked her across the face. The bots and cons both felt unsafe now, inching closer towards Penny and their grandmother. Megara threw her hands in anger and stormed away from the room. Shockwave and the Vehicons followed her, worried about their mother. Gal merely rubbed the red mark on her cheek before getting up and pushing the chair in.
"Well...that didn't work out the way I expected." She said, swirling the clear liquid of the bottle. "Looks like I came too early to try and make things better."
"How was that making things better!" Penny snapped. "You insulted your sister and made her run off in a madden state! If anything, you made the whole thing worse!"
"Again, none of this is my fault. If anything, I should be the one angry, but one of us has to be mature."
Megatron had enough of this. He had never seen Megara so upset or Penny on the verge of hurting someone before. He got in front of Penny and pointed an accusing digit at her.
"Stop looking down on her! If you are only here to cause trouble, then you should leave now! Sisters are supposed to tell each other that they care and be there when they need to." He gave her an angry look. "For one gone for many years, your sisters and mother were happy to have you back. But you have some vendetta against them that you make yourself more distant from them than ever before. Who cares about who did what with who? You guys need to make up!"
Everyone was stunned at Megatron's speech. Penny was slightly proud of her son for standing up for them. Regina silently cheered him on, hoping this would open her eldest's eyes.
Galthea gave the small leader a bitter look before walking out the door. It slammed behind her as she did.
At the treehouse, the box glowed brightly once more. The symbols lit up, changing in shape and size. It floated in the air before flying out.
Galthea sat in her car and gave a tearful sigh. Hot tears poured out of her eyes and splattered against her fingers. The bottle in her hands was empty, not a drop of liquid was left. The brunette couldn't hold in her emotions for much longer as she gave big sobs.
"I'm such a bad sister! Why can't I ever make things right with them?" She cried, feeling remorse for what she did. "How can I even call myself their sister?"
A loud humming noise was heard behind her. Turning around, Gal saw a floating box hovering over her head. Her eyes caught the symbols as they squirmed about around the box. Just before she could decipher them, the box opened up. A glowing light engulfed her as she screamed.
That's the cliffhanger I leave you on! What will happened to Gal now?

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