In Search of a Tree

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*Welcome to the Christmas chapters! Hope you're ready for some cookies, cocoa, and presents galore! Who knows, maybe we'll see some new friends and holidays!*
Galthea's tree
"Are we there yet?"
"We'll get there when we get there Wheeljack!"
"But I'm getting bored Ultra Magnus!"
Galthea prayed to the highest power above for patience. A growing headache was forming in her head as she drove her small children to go pick out a Christmas tree for their house. Both of them were packed tightly in the backseat of the car. Wheeljack proved to be a handful, making her days much more interesting. He constantly broke something and loved to build weapons out of anything he could find. She couldn't believe that she found a homemade explosive on her living room floor! Ultra Magnus was another story. He followed every rule she gave him and didn't talk back. He enjoyed helping her with small tasks around the house. Plus he kept Wheeljack occupied, that was a added bonus.
"Boys, we are nearly there. Can you please stop arguing until we get there?" She asked, giving them both pleaded eyes.
Wheeljack fiddled with some spare parts he had slipped inside. "I guess carrier, but where are we going?"
"She said something about trees!" Ultra Magnus doodled on the pad he had. "What kind of enjoyment does a tree bring?"
"Oh it brings the spirit of Christmas inside a household!" Her car pulled into the tree lot as she parked it. "That's the reason why I brought you two here. I need help finding the perfect Christmas tree!"
Wheeljack grinned as he pulled up his red scarf to cover his face. He grabbed her hand and started to tug Gal towards the massive grove of trees. Magnus followed, his optics gazing around. He had never seen so many trees before in one place!
The search for the tree proved fruitful. So many worthy candidates around them. Wheeljack wanted trees with the sharpest needles. Magnus wanted a smaller tree so that they could decorate them. Gal laughed to herself as she watched them run around a particular tree with dark green needles and strong brown bark. The scent of pine hit her nose the second she reached it. Her spirits were instantly lifted. Placing a hand on it, she could feel the presence of Christmas surge through her. 
"This one! This is the perfect tree!" Wheeljack hopped up and down happily.
"Let's hook it up to the car and get out of here." Magnus started to shiver. "My servos are getting cold."
"I told you to grab some gloves on the way out." Gal reprimanded him, getting the car keys from her pocket. "When we get home, I'll make you a nice hot cup of chocolate oil to warm you up."
"Can we also get some cookies too?" Wheeljack asked, tugging on her scarf.
Gal tapped her chin playfully before breaking out into a huge grin. "I don't see why not!"
Megara's Tree
"I love winter! The snow falls softly, the breeze is gentle, and the trees are pine scented!"
Meg had taken Shockwave and the Vehicons to the lot where her family used to go pick their Christmas tree from. Her little bots were spread out, optics shining with curiosity. Shockwave walked beside her, adjusting his scarf every five minutes to keep his temperature at a mild state. He was excited, but chose not to show it. He didn't want the others to know that he was getting soft. His optic scanned the area, trying to see which tree would be the perfect one to bring back home.
"Hey! Can we get a small tree or a big tree?" Steve called out, running through the white substance.
"We can get the tree that looks like the most perfect tree in the world!" Meg exclaimed, throwing her arms in the air. The trio laughed at this and mimicked her movements.
"I find that statement to be highly illogical. There's no such thing as perfection." Shockwave said, making Meg pout.
"Shocky, how can you say such a thing? Perfection is found in the most unlikely of places!" She picked him up and gave him a quick hug. "Besides, you have the opportunity to help you're adopted mother pick a tree to bring home for Christmas." 
"I guess I could be of some assistance." Shockwave grumbled before being tightly smooshed against her chest.
"Thanks sweetheart! I know you'll find the best tree in this lot!" She placed him on the ground. "Now transform and search out!"
The Vehicons squealed and immediately transformed into their car modes. Shockwave sighed and went into his tank mode. They zoomed out around the area, avoiding people's feet and small children who reached out to grab them. Meg took the time to take a stroll around. Her silver scarf fluttered as she walked the white snow. Her boots crunched loudly, making her laugh. Christmas was her favorite time of year. The bakery started to sell all their prime cakes. The fashion industry started their winter line of ski pants and boots. Her boss had given her the rest of the year off to spend time with family. As soon as she could get the tickets, she would fly out to her mother's house for the season. Penny and Gal will no doubt be there with the rest of the bots.
Something bumped against her leg, making her look down to see Kevin beeping at her. He motioned towards the secluded area of trees before driving off. She followed slightly, stepping over twigs and rocks. Coming to the clearing, she saw Shockwave standing in front of a medium sized tree with snow still on the tips. Gary was climbing inside the tree, inspecting it from the inside. Steve was sitting on the ground, looking up with a peaceful expression. 
"Woah! This tree looks amazing!" Meg gasped, a smile clearly on her face. "How did you find this one?"
"Clearly you don't know the power of probability." Shockwave said, coming towards her. "This was the only tree in this entire lot with no bugs, no moss, or any imperfections!" He sounded so proud of himself.
Meg clapped her hands. "See? Was that so hard to do? You made this task look too easy!"
Shockwave puffed his chest out with pride. "Give me a harder challenge!"
Meg smirked and gather the triplets. "Fine, you can figure out how to get it in the car!"
And with that, she left her cycloptic cutie to glitch out.
Penny's Tree
"Megatron, that tree is coming apart at the bark. Perhaps a safer tree is in order."
Penny rubbed her forehead with a tired expression on her face. It was nearly closing time at the lot and her two children were bickering over which tree they should take home. Izzy had taken the others for some hot chocolate and they were all waiting in the car. The air was getting colder by the minute. She shivered a bit before the air bit her on the face. 
"C-C-Can we p-p-please get home now?" She said, wanting their little argument to end fast. "I-I-I think they b-b-both look fine!"
"Yeah but which is better?" Megatron whined, trying to get her to see reason. "My tree is bigger and looks better!"
"But bigger is not necessarily better! We must be able to reach the branches of the tree!" Optimus said back. 
They both looked as if they were about to explode. Penny grumbled loudly before standing up and walking over. Picking up an axe, she went over to both trees and chopped them unto kindling. Both of the bots backed away from her as she picked up a small tree. Then she smiled at them.
"Okay boys, let's get going! I wanted to bake gingerbread tonight!" She laughed and dragged the tree behind her. Megatron felt his spark skip a beat slightly. Optimus gave a look of admiration towards her.
This would be a good holiday after all.
Coming up next: Cookies!

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