Keeping Clean

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As everyone knows, the COVID-19 virus is no laughing manner and some people still think of this as a joke or something. I'm here to tell you that you need to keep clean and stay safe during this time in order for us to finally get rid of this menace once and for all. We all need to follow the 5 steps to keep ourselves safe!

Wash Your Hands Often

"Starscream, you've been in there for ten minutes! Some of us need to get clean too!"

Penny could only shake her head as the line for the only bathroom with a tub upstairs had a long line of bots and cons ready to get themselves cleaned. It had been a race to get to the bathroom first ever since they came home to clean off the germs they had accumulated at school. It was kinda funny seeing Megatron of all cons knocking on the door and getting increasingly angry. Optimus made sure the younger ones, them being Bee and Smokey, kept their distance from the ever growing angry tyrant. The others had given up trying to wait for the mech and had taken seats on the stairs to wait.

"Say what you want Megatron, but I will not be getting sick with this bird sounding virus! I am washing my digits twice as good to make sure they are sparkling clean!" Starscream yelled from the other side of the door.

"Star honey, you only need to wash for twenty seconds at the most. Singing a song helps if you can't remember." Penny pointed out, hoping this would convince the mech to open the door.

"Face it mom, he isn't opening the door." Arcee called down from the bottom step. "We could've hand sanitizer faster than waiting for him."

"It's a good thing she and Soundwave went out shopping for those cleaning items the other day." Bulkhead said, eliciting a smiley face from the stoic mech.

"Knockout and I made sure we had all the medicine we needed just in case she caught it." Ratchet said, getting a nod from Knockout.

Penny sighed as she slipped the key from over the doorframe and unlocked the door with an eye roll. Starscream was in the bathtub scrubbing himself with the brillo pad she kept for the dishes as various soaps littered the floor.

It took Optimus and Dreadwing to keep her from making her scream aloud.

Cough into your elbows

Izzy could feel it trying to come out.

What a pain it was to be home from school due to this illness that was going around! She was a social butterfly, making friends with everyone and anyone. Now she could barely make it out the front door without wearing her cute pink face mask and matching rubber gloves. Her mother took extra precautionary to make sure that her whole body was covered with some form of Lysol or hand sanitizer. Currently she was in her room, typing on her computer and doing some serious blogging while the Bot Bots watched from their place on her bed.

"Finally! I've finished my homework, did my daily blog post, and set up a video chat with Miss Penny next door!" Izzy pumped her fist. "I'd say that was a productive day!"

"Are we going to play that game now? The one with the ladders and slides?" Must Turd asked, pushing the box towards the edge of the bed.

"We have nothing else to do, bro. We might as well hangout at home until the video call." Duderoni said, opening the game box up.

Brock Head saw Izzy's face scrunch up. "Are you doing okay Izzy? Did you smell something unpleasant?" She turned her glare towards Angry Cheese. "Did you-?"

"I may be lactose intolerant, but I did not cut a big one this time!" The angry femme yelled, getting cheese all over the place.

Izzy knew she had to let it out, but she wanted to be courteous with it. Making a dabbing motion, she coughed loudly, making the Bots jump in surprise.

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