Beyond the Boundaries

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Good morning/afternoon/evening to all my readers out there. It has come to the moment where I know most of you are asking what happened to our favorite motherly character to the sparklings we have come to know and love. The comments I got from you all were immense! You show the true dedication of the story by loving it and keep reading it since day 1. I am so happy to know how much love you give towards the characters. Now, grab the nearest box of tissues, hug your favorite pillows, and get ready for a tearjerker of a chapter. Please bare with me and the characters as they themselves really dislike this chapter. Please do enjoy...
The glass shatters, it rains everywhere....
The screams are heard, it is deafening...
Eyes are closed....
Breaths are haltered....
A flash of light, the sound of silence...
Then nothing, as though the thickness of the shadows grabbed the light.
All is calm, all is still...
And then someone wakes up...
Optimus opened his optics, then closing it as the light stung them. He shook his helm, trying to rid himself of the pain. Then he got up from his berth and stood up to stretch.
He looked around to find himself in a large bedroom with solid silver walks and a small window in the corner. A desk was pushed against a wall with a data pad on it. By his bed, a night stand with a small cube of energon and a book was placed idly. He saw that the window was open, letting cool air inside. Quickly, he raced to the window and poked his helm out. What he saw made his spark skip a beat.
He was home...he was back on Cybertron! And the planet wasn't even in ruins like it was when he left. The buildings, the skyline, the streets, even the sounds of the city made him feel slightly nostalgic. This was too good to be true!
"Optimus are you awake?" A voice asked from behind the door. He brought his head back inside and ran to open the door. Standing in the doorframe was Arcee, the femme's frame was cleaned and polished. Her faceplate held a soft smile to it as she gave him a smirk. "Why do you look as if you found out that you won a year's supply of engex?"
"Arcee, tell me this is all real. Are we really back on our home planet?" He asked her, grabbing her shoulders in the process. Arcee gave him a bewildered look before nodding her head slowly.
"Um...of course Optimus. The Autobots and Decepticons have developed a peace treaty approximately one year ago! You were there to sign the papers!" 
"So it is true..." He swung her around, a small gracing his faceplate. "We finally restored the planet, we saved the world!" 
Arcee broke from his grasp. "Optimus are you feeling fine? We need to head over to the anniversary banquet of the event in five! Can you please calm down and go get the rest of the family ready?"
Before Optimus could ask what she meant by that, she ran down the hallway. He made his way out too, seeing the large domicile he now resided in. It was a nice house indeed. Fit for raising a big family of sparklings...
Optimus, you are going to do such great things....
He blinked, where had that strange voice come from? He rubbed the side of his helm in confusion. Was he now hearing things as well?
"Sire! Sire!" A small, energetic voice called from down the hall. Optimus saw a small red and yellow bot running near him, slamming right into his chest plate. He grunted, falling over in shock. The small bot grinned down at his fallen form, his blue eyes glinting with mischief. His flame designs made his red frame stand out. "Carrier told me to find you and tell you to get ready! We have to go meet the others at the town hall!" 
Optimus chuckled and got up from his position on the ground. He placed the small sparkling down as well. "Well alright then, tell your carrier that I will be down in a second!"
"Okay Sire! I'll go tell her!" The mechling grinned and took off down the hallway in a blur. 
Guess that means I have to get ready to see what all this celebration is about. Optimus thought, smiling as he looked around. Cybertron is back, I have a family, the war is over, and I am a delegate of peace.
So why does it feel as if something is missing from my life?
At the same time that Optimus woke up, Megatron woke up as well. He shot up from his bed, a cold sweat running down his faceplate. He placed a servo on it, wiping the sweat. That dream was more of a flux if anything, scaring him to the core. The image of that human woman was ingrained in his mind. Who was she and why was she crying? Why did she reach out towards him with a look of agony and horror?
Megatron! Save yourself and the others! Do not worry about me!
What did it mean? How did she know him? He never recalled having any relationships with humans of any kind. Maybe she was someone that he knew?
"Megatron, are you ready to go meet the Autobots? If we're late, then they're going to start more rumors about us!" The undeniable screechy voice of Starscream permeated his audio receptors, making him groan internally. He got off the berth and walked to the door, sliding it open. He was about to give him an earful when he saw how polished and fixed up the seeker looked. The strangest part was that he was wearing a big smile! "How are you doing on this lovely day?"
"Fine..." He said slowly, arching an eyebrow. "Are you feeling well Starscream?"
"I have never been better! I just came back from Vos and helped fortify an amazing Air Force! The seekers now have a place to call home and I was elected their leader!" He grinned widely. "Imagine me, a leader for the people like you!"
"What are you talking about? What do I lead?" 
"You must not be fully awake I see. Maybe this will ring a bell, minister of Kaon! You have to greet and talk with the delegates of Iacon! So hurry up and get ready!" With that, the seeker went off to gather the others, leaving Megatron to comprehend what just happened.
"I am the minister of Kaon? The place that imprisoned me before is now the place I rule?" He said aloud, his voice holding disbelief. "How about that, the planet isn't in ruins and I have helped make it this way." He smiled, feeling triumphant. 
"But the question that still lingers in my mind is who that strange woman I saw in my dream?"
At the edge of the city of Iacon, a bright flash of light erupted from a portal opening up. From the swirls of blue and green, three figures emerged from it. The figure in front of the two larger ones had wild red hair, ripped pants and shirt, and had her arms crossed. A grin spread wide on her face as her eyes were brimmed with tears. 
"Magnus, Jackie, we're here." 
"Are you certain that this spell we cast will keep them in their little nirvana forever?"
Albedo laughed to herself as she turned to face Tempest once more. "Trust me, no one has been able to break from the curse of nirvana. When you have your life's desire at your grasp, manipulation of the mind comes easily. Besides, if they did find a way, we'll just kill them! They can't fight back at this form."
Tempest nodded. "I see, and the other humans that were with them? What are we doing with them?"
"Prolonged exposure to that dreaded All-Spark has made them practically immuned to whatever the Anti-Spark could do to them, so I sent them to be flogged and tortured. But that Penelope..."
Leave her to me... I have plans for the chosen one of Primus himself. The voice of Unicron echoed throughout the caverns of the Underworld, making it shake.
You can only imagine what happens next.

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