The Glitter Room

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*Who is this sexy teacher working in the school? Find out in the chapter!*

Greetings, I am Miss Davina Namya, the Glitter Room teacher.

You might be wondering what I'm doing here working in a school like this one. To be honest, my love for teaching stems back to the days when I was a little girl. My parents were both travelers and constantly took me on their adventures. I learned many different cultures, languages, and customs Since I learned so much, I decided to teach children about the beauty of the world! My favorite subject is art after all.

I know these are supposed to be brief, but when you have a passion for the thing you love, you just cannot stop talking! I'm sure you've met Penny and Phylla, my two best friends. Now it is time to meet me, the most beautiful and dramatic of the trio! I am supposed to be receiving word of my friend's kids joining my class. I hope they will be most enjoyable!

"Welcome to class my children!"

The door opened with a loud creak as Arcee, Megatron, Bumblebee, Smokescreen, Knockout, and Breakdown walked in to see their teacher sprawled on top of her desk in a seductive fashion. Almost immediately did all the boys blush while Arcee was curious on why she was in that sort of postion.

"Um...are you a teacher?" She asked her, face still in shock.

Davina smiled at the young girl. "Why yes I am! Wonderful for you to notice!"

"Are you our teacher?" Smokescreen said excitedly.

"Correct again! My, I have some smart students in my class this year."

Megatron gave her a look. "If you are a teacher, then why do you have your body on full display over a desk like some needy child?"

That comment made Davina stiffen in surprise. No one, not even the males she had met, had ever called her needy. Her face flushed red with embarrassent as she got off the desk. She scowled at Megatron before huffing and turning away from him.

"I am not a needy woman! I just have higher standards than the average one!" She said, pouting a bit. "And what kind of child knows that kind of knowledge? If anything, your reading level should be subpar and below average!"

"Lady, I know things that you would dream of knowing. So I suggest you take your fake assets and tell us where to sit." Megatron spat, not wanting to take his teacher seriously. He knew he had to be good for Penny's sake, but he wasn't going to let some other woman try to seduce him and the others, even if she was the teacher.

Bumblebee and Smokescreen gave him shocked faces while Knockout's optics widen. Arcee and Breakdown remained impassive, but agreed with his statement. Davina snarled at him, trying her hardest not to punt the child out the window. It took a minute for her to fully calm down as she gritted her teeth and pointed to the seating chart on the wall next to the blackboard.

"How about you look and find out where to sit, young man." She said in a sickeningly sweet voice. "And while you're at it, tell me your name so that I can remember it for the rest of the year!"

Megatron gave her a toothy grin. "The name is Megatron woman."

"My name is not woman! It's Davina or Miss Davina to you!" Davina snapped, her eyes narrowed at his smug face. "Oh we are going to have fun this school year Megatron!"

Bumblebee stepped between the two of them. "Please don't fight her Megatron! Remember what Penny told us!"

"I know, but she needed to learn her place." He growled at the young bot. "I won't tolerate her kind of attitude to teach me when we have a capable carrier to teach us instead."

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