Haunted Mansion Mystery Noir

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It was many and many a year ago, 

   In a kingdom by the sea, 

That a maiden there lived whom you may know 

   By the name of Annabel Lee; 

And this maiden she lived with no other thought 

   Than to love and be loved by me. 

-Edgar Allen Poe
It was a sad day in the town.

The villagers wept in sorrow as two caskets were buried underground. The trees were bare of the leaves of fall, paving the way to the winter seasons. A chill brushed the arms of the men while tickling the spines of the women. Children placed various flowers around the graves, tears streaked down their faces. The one who was suffering most of all was a tall man wearing a black overcoat and silver scarf. His eyes were misty as he leaned down to trace the names of his beloved daughters on the tombstones.

​​​"Anne, Belle, I am so sorry..." He whispered, kissing the cold stones. "I should've seen this coming. I should've read the signs. It's my fault that you are no longer with us."

The villagers comforted the man, but he refused their consoling. The only thing he wanted was to hear his sweet daughter's laughter ring his ears, eat beside them, and watch them grow up to be beautiful ladies. 

But it was all in vain, for the twin sisters Anne and Belle Lee, were dead.
The stage is set with a ravishing red curtain covering most of it. Upon the stage came a young African American girl with short blur hair wearing an elegant looking black dress. Her gloved hands had notecards as she read from them.

"Good morning/afternoon/evening readers. My name is Onyx." She read, flipping through the cards. "I am here to warn you about the following story you are about to read. Some scenes contain mentions of violence and death. You have been warned."

Onyx stopped reading to face the audience once more. "The author also wants you to know that the story contains elements of cartoon shenanigans, cliche plotpoints, and mentions of famous poems by Edgar Allen Poe." She gave the audience a look. "If you have no idea who that is, then what the heck have you been doing in reading class! I know who he is and I'm in fifth grade! C'mon people, instead of reading fanfiction all the time, try cracking open a book!"

Optimus stuck his helm from the curtains. "Onyx...finish reading the disclaimer! We have a show to start!"

"Oh! My mistake..." She pulled out one last card. "The following chapter will also have some minor shippings as well. If you like what you see, we thank you. The author works hard to appease your many request. She also loves chatting in the comment section which I find slightly annoying."

"Onyx...hurry up!"

"Okay Optimus! Sheesh! Anyways, you have been warned readers so enjoy the show." Onyx dropped the cards and went into the curtain. "So how did you think I did?"

"Meh...could've done the disclaimer better." Came Smokescreen's voice followed by a yelp and a clang as Onyx hit him on the helm.

"Places everyone! The show's about to begin!" Arcee called from backstage.

"Okay here we go guys! Time for the moment the audience has been waiting for!" Bee giggled, moving the curtains a bit. "I hope they're ready!"

"Why wouldn't they be? They've waited for days for an update!" Ratchet's voice said.

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