Chapter Seventy Nine

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You Light Up the Sky Like Lightning 79

A few days later, we left Paris. I was sad to go, but I was also anxious to get back home. 

Right now, Justin and I were on the plane headed back to Atlanta. He had been asleep for a long time, and I just couldn't sleep. Hopefully he'd be up soon, though. 

I looked down at my left hand and my eyes fell upon the glittering diamond ring that sat on my fourth finger. An instant smile came to my face. 

I couldn't believe that I was going to get married. By then, both Justin and I will be nineteen, almost twenty, and we'll be having a baby either directly before or directly after. It was a lot to take in. 

But I don't regret my decision one bit. I knew that I had made the right choice by saying yes. My heart told me so. 

I used the fingers on my right hand to play with the ring a little. I couldn't get this all in my head. Just the thoughts made me smile. 

"You like it, right?" I heard a groggy voice ask. 

I turned to look at Justin. 

"Do I like what?" I asked. 

"The ring," he said, yawning right after. 

"Oh, my god, yes! I love it! It's beautiful! You couldn't have picked a better one."

He smiled with sleepy eyes. "Okay, good! I'm glad you like it! I had my mom and Carin's help. But, that one I had actually found. They were both surprised with me. Apparently I have good taste."

I laughed at him. "Sure you do, babe," I said sarcastically. "But seriously, I love it."

"And I love you," he whispered, getting close to my ear. 

I turned my head to look at him, and he pushed his soft lips against mine immediately. 

"I love you, too," I said. "I hope you know that."

"I do know that," he whispered. 

I smiled. "Good."


I had a little panic attack later that day. I blame the hormones from being pregnant. 

"What is everyone going to say?" I asked nervously in the car ride on the way to Justin's house. Apparently everyone was over there. Now, who 'everyone' was, I didn't know. 

"Well, my mom and Carin already knew I was going to ask you, but I don't think anyone else does. And no one knows that you said yes." He gave me a huge smile, showing how happy he really was. 

"But what will they say? What if Scooter says no because we're, like, too young or something?"

"Babe, Scooter isn't the boss of us. And, after all, age is just a number. It doesn't matter."

"Yeah, well, age is stuff like being able to get your drivers license when you turn sixteen, and becoming a legal adult when you're eighteen, and the drinking age at twenty-one, and-"

"But there's no age saying when you have to get married," Justin said as we came to a stop at a red light. "Which means it could be whenever." 

That made me relax a lot, because it was true. 

I smiled at him. "You're an angel." 

"No, that would be you," he said, reaching across the console of the car and to my lap to take my left hand. He rested them on top of the console, and started playing with my ring with his fingers. "Everything about you is angelic."

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