Chapter Fifty Five

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You Light Up the Sky Like Lightning 55

*Landry's POV*  

Yes, I did catch an earlier flight to Atlanta. I was not going on the same flight as Justin. There's just no way. Not after what he did to me. 

I had called Scooter- yes, Scooter- to switch my ticket to the earlier flight. He was more than happy to do so when I said that he didn't need to switch Justin's over, too. 

Right now, I was in my window seat at the front of the plane headed back to Atlanta. I had been staring out the window the entire time.  

I tried to keep my mind away from Justin, the vacation, and what happened this morning. But that was hard when I knew that I was going to be questioned about what happened as soon as I set foot in Atlanta. I knew that Scooter would have told Carin something was up- even if he, and only he, would be happy about it- and then Carin would tell Kenny and Pattie. Basically it's like a chain reaction. And I don't know how I was going to explain what happened. That's going to be awkward. 

I sighed and leaned further back in my seat. I still couldn't believe any of this. 

First off, I was mad because that entire vacation was just part of Justin's plan to get me to sleep with him, and that thought crushed me. I really thought that he let us go on it because he wanted to, and he wanted to go somewhere private with me so we'd be alone. Boy, I was wrong. 

Second, the fact that he went behind my back with the guy who raped me. I mean, you'd think that- knowing Justin- he'd go and, like, beat Cameron up or something. But no. Justin made a bet instead. 

And third, the fact that he has tried multiple times to get me to do it. Now I realize what he was thinking and why he was doing it. 

I closed my eyes, and tried to fall asleep. I couldn't do it because I was used to leaning on Justin. 

Basically it was a bad two hour flight for me. I gathered my stuff when we landed, and got off of the plane. 

Scooter was going to pick me up. So, I walked through the terminal, and to Baggage Claim, and found him there waiting for me. 

He smiled- almost apologetically. He opened his arms for a hug, and I gladly took it because that's what I needed. He gave me a comforting hug, and almost immediately tears started lining up in my eyes. All I could think of was, 'His hugs are nothing like Justin's.'

Scooter pulled away, and smiled reassuringly at me. I tried to return it, but it was shaky. 

"Come on," he said softly. "Let's go home."

Despite how caring he seemed right now, I could tell he was happy that Justin hadn't come home with me. Meaning, he knew there was a fight and we weren't together at the moment. 

Once we had loaded all my stuff into the car, and had gotten in it, Scooter asked, "So, what exactly happened between you and Justin?"

I turned away from him and stared out of the window. I watched the airport roll by, and it turned into the city of Atlanta. 

"Landry, talk to me please," Scooter pried. More tears lined up, and threatened to spill over the edge of my eyelids. 

"Nothing," I whispered, shaking. "Nothing happened."

Scooter sighed loudly. He didn't believe me. "You know Pattie and Carin are going to ask you, too, right?"

I nodded. But that doesn't mean I have to tell them. 

"Landry, either you will end up telling us, or-" Scooter paused. "Justin will tell us, and-"

"Don't you dare make Justin come back into this," I snapped. Then I mumbled, "He's already done enough shit."

Scooter gave me a confused look, but I turned away again. 

The rest of the ride was silent. When we got to the house, I opened the car door, slammed it behind me, and got my stuff out of the trunk of the car. 

Scooter just watched me, and I ignored him. 

I stormed into the house, passing Carin and Pattie in the living room. They watched me pass, but I ignored them, too. 

I went straight up to my room, and threw my suitcase on the floor, it landing with a big 'thump.'

I unzipped my suitcase, and threw the top open. I started to unpack when there was a knock on the door. 

"Landry?" It was Carin's voice. "Can I come in?"

I didn't reply again, and she took it as a 'yes.'  

The door opened slowly, but I acted as if I didn't notice and just continued unpacking. 

Carin came over and sat on the floor next to me. I didn't look at her, and just tried my best to keep my hands from shaking as I unloaded my suitcase. 

Carin reached over and grabbed my hands tight, making me stop. 

I looked at her for the first time, and immediately started to cry. Carin pulled me into her side, and held me tight. 

"Landry," she said softly. "What on earth happened that made you to come home and be like this?"

I shook my head, and sniffed. I was purposely trying to stop crying so she wouldn't question me. 

I wasn't going to tell her what happened. That would make it a very weird conversation, considering it was all about the fact that Justin and I had sex. 

But even though I was really mad at Justin, and I felt used and betrayed, I didn't understand why I knew for a fact that I still loved him. 

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