Chapter Eighty-Nine

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You Light Up the Sky Like Lightning 89

"Are you excited?" Justin asked as we sat down in the hospital waiting room.

I nodded. "But I'm also nervous."

"Me too," he murmured. "I just hope both you and the baby are as healthy as you can be."

I smiled at him. It was statements like that that proved to me that he really cared.

"Landry Braun?" called a nurse with a clipboard.

Justin smiled at me, and took my hand, pulling me up.

"That's going to be 'Landry Bieber' soon," Justin whispered in my ear, making me blush and tuck my hair nervously behind my ear.

We walked back to the room with a hospital bed, and monitor thing. I changed into a robe and laid down on the bed right before the doctor came in.

"Hello," Dr. Rees said. "How've we been?"

"Great," I said. "Thanks."

"How was vacation?" she asked with a small smirk.

"It was... awesome," Justin said, leaving out that it really wasn't.

She smiled as she put some of the gel stuff on my stomach, and took the remote thing. The picture of our baby popped up on the screen. My heart fluttered. That was our baby.

"Seems very healthy," the doctor said. That made Justin smile big at me.

"Okay, do you want to know the sex, or keep it a secret?" the doctor asked.

"We'd like to know," Justin said, smiling, squeezing my hand.

"Congratulations, you are having a baby boy," Dr. Rees said, smiling softly.

"Yes!" Justin cheered, sending his fist into the air.

I smiled as I looked at the screen, as tears rushed to my eyes. Ugh, why am I so damn emotional?

I felt Justin plant his lips on my cheek, and I turned back to him.

"I'll give you two a minute," said Dr. Rees.

She left the room, and I looked at Justin again. He was smiling bigger than I've ever seen him.

"We need to start thinking of names," he stated.

I laughed. "We still have time, but yeah, we can."

We both looked back at the monitor where our healthy, little baby boy was laying peacefully in my stomach. My eyes teared up even more. We created that. It was amazing.

"Are you okay?" Justin asked, noticing the tears in my eyes.

I smiled at him. "I'm great."

*Justin's POV*

Looking at Landry, I wondered why're hell I didn't let her come here sooner. Well, that's not entirely true. We visited a doctor a few times in Hawaii just to make sure everything was fine and all, but it wasn't the same. Being back here, being in our own house, not fighting as much in the past day and a half, it all makes it seem like everything is going to be okay.

Landry was staring at the monitor, tears lining the edge of her eyes, and a small smile was set in place on her lips. She looked so happy. I never realized how much this baby meant to her.

"I'm sorry," I said without thinking.

Her eyes floated to mine. "For what?"

"For dragging you to Hawaii with me," I said, folding my hands and looking down at them. "I didn't realize that to make you happy, all I needed to do was make sure you and the baby were healthy."

"Justin," she said softly. "Yes, that does make me happy. More than happy. But that's not the only thing that would make me happy."

I looked up at her, a confused look on her face.

"Being with you makes me happy," she said, a breathtaking smile spreading across her face. "Happier than ever. When a girl is pregnant, her hormones are all over the map. It was not your fault. If anyone's, it was mine. And for that, I'm sorry."

"It is not your fault at all," I insisted. "I was being selfish that day a few months ago. All I could see was that they wanted to take you away from me, and I wasn't going to let that happen. I would never allow someone to take you away from me."

Landry smiled small. "I know, Justin. Trust me, I know."

A knock on the door brought us out of our apologies. Dr. Rees poked her head in.

"Everything okay in here?" she asked.

"More than okay," Landry said, another breathtaking smile coming to her face.

"Okay, well I have printed out a couple copies of the sonogram picture for your families," she said, handing me a few small pieces of paper. "If you need more, feel free to ask."

"This will be good for now, thank you," I said. Looking down at the paper on top of the small pile, I couldn't help but stare down at the little being that was our baby. Our baby boy. It was an amazing thought that this was part Landry, part me, and this beautiful boy was the outcome. I wouldn't change this for the world.

The doctor smiled at me, probably knowing what I was thinking, and turned to help Landry get ready again. When they were done, Landry came over to me, and I immediately pulled her into a hug.

"I love you so much," I murmured, kissing her as passionately as I could.

She giggled as she kissed me back. "I love you too, Justin. I always will."

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