Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine


I jolted awake and shot straight up in bed. I got a head rush and groaned, pressing my hands to my forehead to try to stop the headache that was sure to come.


I jumped and nearly shit my pants. “What the fuck?!” I yelled.

It was dark, so I couldn’t see anything, but there was quiet laughter.

Suddenly, the obnoxious noise was directly next to my ear when it went off again, and I let out a scream.

Is that a fucking air horn?

It was quiet for a second after that, and I took that chance to look at the clock. Five-thirty in the morning. Kill. Me. Now.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes. Suddenly, the lights came on and revealed the culprit.

“You asshole,” I muttered, now extremely irritated.  “What the fuck do you want this time?!”

I swear I could hear him smirk from across the room. 

“Oh, two mean words in one sentence,” Justin said innocently, walking into my room again. "Get up."

“No.” I fell back down on my bed and covered my face with a pillow. There was no way it was time to get up yet. He was just doing this to piss me off.

I hope.

I groaned as he told me that we were going to leave for the airport in an hour for the flight.

When I didn’t respond, I thought I heard footsteps coming closer towards me.

And I have to say that I heard right. 

My bed moved as Justin jumped up on it and attacked the air horn button again.  He continued to jump up and down, screaming along with the air horn. 

Finally, I had enough.  I flipped over, and as he was landing one of his many bounces, I kicked his feet out from under him, making him fall on his ass.  But, he accidentally fell completely off the bed, which I wasn’t planning.  I laughed, stuck my tongue out at him, and groggily rolled out of bed so I could get away from him. “That’s called karma, dick.”

I heard a couple laughs from the doorway as I slowly walked into the bathroom to change.  I glanced behind me and laughed to myself at what I saw.

Justin was looking at the doorway from where he was on the floor.  “Shut up, you guys! That actually hurt! I landed on one of her suitcases!”

I heard more laughing, and then two figures came into the room.  I quickly shut the bathroom door and flipped on the lights.  I could still hear everything that was going on in my room, but I really didn’t feel like dealing with it.  I just wanted to go back to sleep. 

But with Justin here, that was so not going to happen.

“Well, you have to admit that was kind of funny,” said a voice that I didn’t recognize.  He sounded about my age.  Maybe a year younger. 

“Yeah,” said another.  “She totally just kicked you once, and you completely fell off the bed! What chick does that? I like her already.”

“You guys are douches,” Justin mumbled to the two as they continued to laugh. He sounded less than thrilled.

I quickly took the clothes off the bathroom counter that I had laid out the night before and changed into them.  It was just a simple pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt. I then put a sweatshirt over it, put a little bit of makeup on so I looked somewhat decent, and brushed my hair into a ponytail.

I walked out of the restroom and found the three guys all laughing and messing around.  They looked like they could have been brothers from the way they were acting.

When I walked out of the bathroom, I just ignored them and went to the doorway.

“Landry, wait,” Justin said.  It was weird.  He didn’t sound mad, or angry, or irritated.  He sounded . . .  happy.

I turned around, and Justin and the other two guys were all looking at me. 

“Landry, this is Ryan and Chaz,” Justin said, motioning to his friends.  “Guys, this is Scooter’s niece, Landry.”

One of the guys - Chaz, I think - said the first thing:  “Well, hello there. If I may say, you are extremely beauti-“

“Dude,” Justin cut in, punching him in the stomach. “Not here.”

I gave him a questioning look, and he just shook his head, as in an ‘I’ll tell you later’ way.

Ryan stepped forward, pulled me into a greeting hug, and said, “Hi. Justin has told us a lot about you, so it’s nice to finally meet you.”

I let go of him and gave him a questioning look. “I'm sorry?”

Justin talks about me? Why? I thought he hated me . . . ? Sending a quick glance at Justin, I found him blushing as well as glaring at his friend. “Ryan, shut up,” he muttered.

Ryan laughed and turned to him.  “I’m just repeating what you told-“

“Ryan,” Chaz cut in. “I think that’s enough.”

I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways," Ryan said when he turned to face me again. "We are coming on tour with y'all for a few weeks. Hope that's okay."

I nodded, and flashed them all a quick smile. They seemed nice, and if they kept me away from Bieber, then I would have no problem with it.

It might not be so bad after all.

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