Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

During the next few hours of the flight, only a few people bothered to come and talk to me since I was by myself at the back of the plane. Carin came back for a little bit just to see how I was doing. Scooter came back to explain all the shit that was coming- like schedules on concert days, rooming, etc. Chaz came by, and we talked for a little while, but not for very long.  He gave me his number ‘just in case I ever needed it.’ I think that’s the real reason he came to see me in the first place. 

I was still confused about why Justin did what he did, but now I was more mad than confused. If he thinks he can do that and get away, then he has another thing coming.

A few hours later, we landed somewhere in the UK. We all got our own suitcases and started walking to the front doors where another van was picking us up to take us to the hotel where the rest of the crew already was. 

As soon as we walked outside, I swear to god that I lost eighty percent of my hearing. 

About three hundred fans were lined up, with their Bieber shirts, posters, and signs. They were screaming and jumping and spazzing out. Thank god they were behind a barricade, because I could swear that if that thing wasn’t there, I would be trampled by fans trying to get to the superstar who was somewhere behind me. 

Glancing back, I saw Justin look at Scooter with a pleading face. My uncle sighed and said something to Justin that I couldn’t hear because it was droned out by screams. Seconds later, Justin smiled and grabbed Kenny’s arm, dragging him towards the fans. This only made them just scream even louder. 

Meanwhile, the rest of us loaded up the van and got settled inside. After about twenty minutes, Scooter started getting agitated. 

“What is taking this kid so long?” he asked out loud, but no one answered him.

I turned in my seat to try to see what Justin was doing. Not because I care, but because I was curious. 

He was taking pictures with his fans and signing stuff for them. It made me smile because he really did care about his fans. That much was obvious. But as soon as I realized I was smiling, I scowled at myself and turned back around. Crossing my arms over my chest, I glared at the seat in front of me. Damn him. He was messing with my emotions without even realizing it!

Scooter was now talking to himself. Just things like, ‘I’m going to kick this kid’s ass if he doesn’t hurry up,’ and, ‘He knows we have a schedule.’ 

Ryan- who was sitting in the seat in front of me- turned around and said, “Justin loves his fans.  Like, maybe a little bit too much, because he always wants to do stuff for them, like take pictures with them and sign stuff for them.”

“Well, yeah,” I murmured, not really caring. “Most celebrities wouldn’t be where they are today if it weren’t for their fans. They’ve got to show some respect, or they’ll leave him.”

Ryan snorted.

“You sound just like him,” Chaz muttered, butting into the conversation. 

“Is that a good or bad thing?” I asked.

They both shrugged. 

“But anyways,” Ryan continued.  “It irritates Scooter when he takes a long time. Scooter is very strict on schedules, as you probably know.”

“Damn right I am!” Scooter said from shotgun. 

I smirked. After that, the car fell silent. Even when Justin and Kenny came bac, everyone remained quiet. 

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