Chapter Sixty Six

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You Light Up the Sky Like Lightning 66

"Hey, baby?" Justin asked me as we were walking out of the ice rink. 

"Yes?" I asked him. 

He matched my walking pace, and locked his fingers between mine. Ryan and Chaz were messing around ahead of us, so they weren't paying attention to Justin and I. 

"Do you want to go to the store now?" he asked. "Or do you want to wait until after your surprise?" 

I thought for a second. "Well, I guess we could go to the store now, or wait until later. It doesn't matter to me. Whatever's easiest." 

"Let's just go now," Justin said. "It's on the way. What do you need there?"

I shook my head. I couldn't bring myself to say it out loud. It was just too much for me to handle right now. 

"But, I don't think Ryan and Chaz should be there when we go," I said quietly. "What we have to get... it's between you and me... and it just might be a little awkward if they were there."

Justin furrowed his eyebrows. He had no clue what I was talking about. Which just made this that much harder. 

"Babe," he cooed. "You can tell me anything. Even if it's girl problems-"

"It's not that," I said. Well, something kind of along those lines. Kind of. 

He furrowed his eyebrows again. "What else could it be?"

I ignored him, and walked a little faster to reach his car. Justin came up behind me, and opened the door for me to get in while Ryan and Chaz piled in the back. Since the Range Rover was a little ways off the ground, Chaz tripped while trying to get in, making Justin and me laugh at him. He threw us a glare- a joking one- and then hopped in, slamming the car door dramatically. I heard Ryan laughing at him from the back seat, too, which just pissed Chaz off, I think. 

"Lay-baby?" Justin asked once I was seated. He turned my entire body so that we were facing each other. He parted my legs a little so he could stand in between them, and he would be closer to me. "What's wrong?" he said quietly. 

I scrunched my eyebrows. "What do you mean?" 

"You've been... distant," he said quietly. Not that Chaz or Ryan could hear us if they wanted to because they were goofing off in the backseat. "And you keep getting sick. I'm worried about you."

Yeah. I'm worried about me, too. But I didn't say that. I didn't say anything other than, "I'm okay, Justin. Really."

I felt bad lying, but I felt that if I told him what I thought was wrong, then he'd flip out on me. And I didn't want him to leave me right after we got back together. Sure, he was going to find out later today, but I didn't want to randomly drop the bomb on him. 

He sighed, obviously not believing me. "Baby, Ryan and Chaz claim that they know what's up. What makes me nervous is that I have no idea what is wrong, and they do. I don't like that feeling. If we need to go to the doctor, we can. It's not a problem-"

I cut him off by shaking my head, but I didn't say anything. Ryan and Chaz had a guess on what was happening to me? That can't be good. 

"Justin, I'm fine," I repeated. "Let's just go to the store, and then head back to the hotel."

He nodded, hesitantly. As soon as he shut my door, I whirled around in my seat to look at Ryan and Chaz. They were already looking at me. 

"How did y'all figure out?" I asked quickly before Justin would get in the car.  

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